Chapter 28

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(A/n: I feel like 7th year is gonna be pretty boring, so I'm gonna condense most of it into 1 or 2 chapters)

7th Year

You sighed heavily as you got on the train by yourself. Sadly, Hannah wasn't coming back this year, and you hadn't heard from Ernie all summer. 

The train was fairly empty. Most compartments were empty, and the ones that weren't had only 1 or 2 kids in them. It was a sad sight to see. 

 You open a compartment door without looking inside. Once you're in, you gasp in horror to see Draco with his Slytherin friends. 

Draco looks even more surprised than you. He didn't expect you to come back to Hogwarts. It wasn't safe.

"(L/n)" He greets curtly. You shake your head as tears fall, and run out of the compartment, hearing the laughs of Pansy and Blaise behind you.

It took you 3 months to not cry at the thought of Draco, and one look at him destroyed all of your progress. 

You finally found an empty compartment and sat down. You didn't want to be here, but your step father forced you to come back.

"(Y/n) it's your last year! Finish and take the N.E.W.T.S and you can start your career." He said.

"But Dumbledore's dead! The death eaters took over. How could you possibly want me to go back to that?" You argue. 

"I can't take care of you all year, (y/n). I'm gone for weeks at a time and you wouldn't be able to protect yourself while you're underaged." He says.

Suddenly the compartment door opens, shaking you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see Ernie.

"Ernie! Thank Merlin! Why haven't you answered my letters?" You ask while jumping up to hug him. 

"Long story." He says, obviously not wanting to talk about it. 

"Alright. Did you hear that Hannah's not coming back?" You ask, unfazed by his coolness.

"I did. I guess it's just you and me this year." He smiles sadly.


Hogwarts had become a miserable place. Not only was Snape a horrible headmaster, but all of the new death eater teachers were absolute demons. The teachers that were back from previous years had no power anymore. 

Draco was staring at you from across the dining hall. Your heart couldn't take it anymore. All you wanted to do was hide in the bathroom, but as you got up to walk out, one of the new teachers grabbed your arm harshly and dragged you back to your seat. You let out a whimper as the teachers nails dug in to your arm.

You looked back at Draco to see his face bright red, but he made no move to help you. It took all of your self control not to push the teacher off you and run all the way home. It was going to be a long year.


As the school year wore on, the place grew more depressing. You hardly talked to anyone anymore out of fear. Draco would try to make eye contact, but you'd run whenever he was within 10 feet of you. Ernie left a few months into the school year. His parents heard about the new professors and decided he wasn't safe. If only your step father felt that way.

Dumbledore's Army started up again somehow, led by Ginny Weasley. At first you didn't want to rejoin, but eventually she wore you down. The only hope anyone ever got was the news from Harry, Ron, and Hermione that Ginny shared occasionally. 

Towards the end of the year, you were called for an emergency meeting of the DA. When you got there, Harry, Ron and Hermione were there. Everyone was crowded around them and celebrating.

"Hello (y/n), how are you?" Hermione asks you when she gets through the crowd. 

"I'm fine thanks. What's happening?" You ask. Hermione frowns.

"Voldemort's planning an attack on the school. We came to warn everyone." She says.

"A war is starting." Ron adds. You nod, trying to look brave. 

Soon everyone was rushing around the school, preparing for battle. 

But you were only focused on Draco. 

You rushed through the halls, hoping to run into him somewhere. Of course, the one time you want to talk to him he's nowhere to be seen. 

As your panic grew, your vision started blurring and you started running faster and faster until you were sprinting. 

Suddenly, you ran into someone, hard. You lay on the ground for a moment, hoping your vision would clear. When it does, you see the one and only Draco Malfoy hovering over you, a worried expression on his face.

"(Y/n), whats wrong?" He asks. You let out a sob and attack him in a hug, pulling him down with you.

"I know whats happening. I... I'm so scared Draco. I'm sorry I ignored you so long. I jus-" You try to explain yourself, but your cut off by his lips on yours. 

When he pulls away, he takes your hand and pulls you into a classroom. 

"What do you mean 'you know whats happening'?" He asks. 

"I know Voldemort is coming." You answer. Your hands are shaking.

Stop it. Be brave. You think.

Draco takes your face in his hands. 

"I promise nothing will happen to you. Just stay with me." He says.

You're about to nod, but then think better about it. 

"But... you'll be fighting with him." You counter, pushing his hands off of you.

"Well yes but-"

"I refuse to fight with him. I'd rather die." You say.

Finally, some bravery.

"(Y/n) I understand that, trust me I do, but I can't let you. He'll kill everyone. I don't want to lose you." He begs. 

"Draco, you lost me when you joined the death eaters. I love you but I'll never be able to join you." You say, tears falling once more. 

"(Y/n) please. I don't want to be one of them. I had no choice." Draco begs again.

"Everyone has a choice Draco." You argue. He groans and opens his mouth to argue, then closes it again.

"They threatened to kill you." He says suddenly. You freeze.

"How... How do they know me?" You ask in disbelief. Draco takes your hands in his, trying to stop them from shaking. But his were shaking just as much. 

"They watch my family. They know how much you mean to me. Thats why I stopped talking to you, and lied to you. I wanted you to be safe." He says sadly, and pulls you toward him in a hug. 

The two of you held each other in silence for a long time, the fear setting in. Suddenly you heard screams and explosions.

The war was starting.

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