Chapter 14

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Months passed, and dealing with Umbridge was getting harder by the minute.

The walls were covered in her rules, and they couldn't be escaped, as they were blasted through the halls as well.

Dumbledore's Army was a lot of fun. Once they found a good place to have the meetings, Harry started lessons immediately.

As you listened to Harry today, you grew more excited by the minute.

"I''m going to teach you how to cast a patronus charm. Think of a happy memory, the happiest you've ever been. Then say Expecto Patronum!" He explained. You all watched in awe as a beautiful stag pranced around the room.

Soon enough everyone was trying. Horses and rabbits and dogs flew around the room.

You closed your eyes and thought of Cedric. You thought about that first date in Hogsmeade, where you lost track of time and talked to him for hours. 

"Expecto Patronum!" You said, and a blast of blue light came from your wand.

"Great start (y/n)! Try to come up with a more powerful memory." Harry advised. You nodded.

You thought about the day that Cedric asked you to be his girlfriend and tried again. But even that wasn't enough. 

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asks. 

"Cedric." You admit shyly. He smiles.

"Maybe theres another person that you have good memories with. What about Hannah or Ernie?" He asks. You smile.

"Good idea." You say.

Your mind goes through all of the fun times you've had with Hannah over the years. 

"Expecto Patronum!"You cried, and you watched in awe as a ferret came swirling from your wand. 

"Amazing!" Harry smiled, then went on to help Luna Lovegood.

You smiled as you watched your patronus dance around the room. 

"Hey, remember when Malfoy was turned into a ferret?" Someone laughed. 

"What?" You asked curiously.

"You didn't know? Last year Mad Eye Moody turned him into a ferret." The person explained. 

You laughed. Of course Moody/ Barty Crouch Jr would turn a student into a ferret.

"Hey Harry, I have to go for tutoring. Thanks!" You called, and started down the hall towards the potions room.

"So I just learned something quite interesting." You announce to Malfoy as the door opens. Over the last few months you two had become sort of friends, even if you didn't call it friendship.

"What's that?" He asked, not looking up from his book. 

"You were turned into a ferret last year? And I missed it?" You teased. Malfoy looked up in surprise.

"Who told you that?" He demands. You laugh.

"Some Gryffindor kid, I don't know his name." You answer. Malfoy groans.

"That was emotionally scarring." He laughs. 

"I bet. So what're we doing today?" You ask. 

"Simple Love Potions. Not nearly as strong as Amortentia." He says. You nod and walk over to where he was standing. 

Instead of moving to the other side of the table like he normally did, he stayed standing next to you. As odd as it was, you tried to ignore it and continue working. 

As you were pouring in the rose thorns, Malfoy grabbed your hand with the bottle in it. 

"Too many." he explained, and held on to your hand for another moment. You nodded, not making eye contact, then continued when he let go of your hand.

Finally you were finished. Malfoy had been quite close the whole time, and when you were done, you took a step away from him. 

"Not bad." He stated simply, then took another step towards you.

"So... Homework?" You asked awkwardly. He nodded. 

You sat at the table, and yet again instead of sitting across from you, he sat next to you. 

"Okay Malfoy what on earth are you doing?" You demand, turning to face him. He smirks.

"What? I'm just helping you with homework?" He pretends to be innocent. 

"Why are you sitting next to me?" You ask. He shrugs.

"Because I feel like it. Is that a problem?" He asks. You roll your eyes. 

"It's just odd. Fine, let's do homework." You say, pulling yours out. 

"Actually I changed my mind." He says. You turn to look at him and find that he's only inches away from you. 

"Malfoy wha-" But he cuts you off. 

"Shut up mud blood." He whispers, and presses his lips to yours. 

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