Chapter 7

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The third task was today.

You were so nervous you felt that you could throw up. 

"(Y/n)!" Someone yelled, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"What? Sorry." You looked at Cedric as he shook his head. Your stomach clenched for no reason. Your bad feeling about this tournament grew worse by the minute.

"I asked if you were going to walk down with me. I have to be there in a half hour. You seem more nervous about this than I am." He laughed.

"I'm sorry. Yes, I'll walk with you. Lets go."

You and Cedric talked about nonsense and laughed on the way to the maze. It seemed to settle you a bit. Finally, you reached the bleachers, and the sick feeling came back ten times worse.

"Please be careful!" You suddenly burst out, wrapping your arms tightly around him. He stumbled back with a laugh. 

"Of course. I'll see you after. I love you (y/n)." He smiled, pecking your lips. 

"I love you too Ced." You said, and he walked away.



He's dead.

The second Harry appeared out of no where you knew that your worst fears had come true. The way he clung to Cedric's body confirmed it.

"No..." You breathed, grabbing Hannah's hand tightly.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked, but you dared not answer.

"My boy! That's my son!" You heard Cedric's father wail in agony. A tear escaped.

"No!" You shrieked, and tried to run down the bleachers toward him. 

The teachers weren't letting anyone through. You ran straight into Professor McGonagall.

"No stud-"

"Please! Please..." You begged, not being able to contain your sobs. You had to see him. You had to make sure...

Professor McGonagall looked to make sure no one was watching and nodded, letting you past.

You reached Cedric just as Harry was being pulled away.

"I'm so sorry." Harry sobbed and looked at you as he passed. You ignored him and collapsed next to Cedric's body.

You took his cold hand in yours shakily. He was gone. It was all your fault. You had told him to join the tournament. He was dead because of you.

"Ced... I love you." You sobbed. You could almost hear him saying it back. Suddenly you were being dragged away. 

"No! No! Stop!" You shrieked and struggled against the arms that pulled you away. 

"(Y/n) they have to take his body, I'm sorry." The voice said. Anger filled you when you heard the voice.

"Don't you dare touch me Malfoy! Ever!" You screamed through your tears. You tried to run back to Cedric, but it was too late, his body was gone.

"Look what you've done! He's gone now, you took away the last moments I could've had!" You turned at Draco. It wasn't fair. You had so little time with him, and now he was gone forever. It was all your fault.

"I"m so sor-" He started, but you were gone. 

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