Chapter 29

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"I have to go help." You said, not really willing to leave him.

"Please, (y/n), just stay with me. " Draco begged, squeezing your hands. 

"I can't. I have to help. For my mom, for Cedric... for everyone who's lives were destroyed by him." You place a hand on his cheek. 

"Stay safe. And when this is all over, meet me in this classroom." He said anxiously. He pulled you in for a passionate kiss, then ran out of the classroom, leaving you in a state of shock. 

"(Y/N) come on! The Death Eaters got in!" Ron called from the doorway. You shook your head, clearing your thoughts, and ran to join the battle. 

You dodged Death Eaters's curses and tried to help fellow students as much as you could. It was absolute chaos in the castle. 

You dodged the Avada Kedavra curse being shot at you, and watched in horror as it hit Lavender Brown straight in the chest. All color drained from her face and her body slumped to the floor. 

You stood frozen as memories of Cedric's lifeless body flashed in your mind. Tears were falling down your face as you knelt next to Lavender's body.

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve this." You sobbed. 

"(Y/n) what are you doing? Get out of here!" You heard. You looked up and saw Draco with his minions. He gave you a sympathetic look, but then continued down the hall way to wherever he was going. 

"Why didn't we kill her?" Crabbe asked. 

"She's the boss's girlfriend you idiot!" You heard the reply, and the thud of someone being slapped.  

You took one last look at Lavender, then ran off to fight some more. 

You couldn't hear anything from the blood pounding in your ears. But suddenly your ears seemed to clear. You heard the awful voice of Voldemort ringing through the hallways. You were so confused you barely understood what he was saying. But you did catch four words.

"Harry Potter is dead." 

You gasped. This was it. The war was over, the Death Eaters won. 

Everyone was pushing toward the courtyard. You pushed your way towards the front of the crowd to see a sobbing Hagrid clutching Harry's lifeless body.

Rage filled you. How dare he destroy lives like this. Lavender, Harry, and Cedric were just innocent kids! 

Suddenly Voldemort was inviting Draco to give him a hug. Your stomach turned as he hesitantly walked to him for an awkward hug. His eyes met yours, and he looked terrified. 

You couldn't watch anymore. You stopped listening too. You slowly retreated to the back of the crowd and sat on the ground. There was no point in caring anymore. Voldemort was going to kill everyone anyway.

You looked up in surprise as spells started flying through the air again. You couldn't help the smile that erupted when you saw Harry dueling Voldemort, perfectly alive, and jumped up to finish this war.


It was over.

Voldemort was dead.

The war was won.

You smiled and celebrated with everyone, then excused yourself when you saw Draco walk away from his parents who were escaping, and toward the castle. You walked toward the room where you agreed to meet him and waited there.

"(Y/n), thank Merlin!" You heard him sigh in relief. You smiled and tackled him in a hug. 

"We won. He's gone. Everything's okay now." You murmured. He hugged you tightly. 

"I'm so glad you're alive. All I could think about this whole time was you." He whispered. You pulled away slightly to see that he was crying.

"Draco..." You smiled sadly, wiping away his tears. 

"I'm sorry." He smiled back.

"I love you." You smiled. He kissed you gently. 

"I love you too."

A/n That was the last chapter! Just the epilogue left. Also just a PSA I did not edit this chapter so im sure theres a ton of mistakes. Apologies!

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