Chapter 21

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The next few weeks of school were quite boring. You'd zone out in class a lot and your grades were sub par. But you didn't really care. 

One day in transfiguration you found yourself staring at Draco. He pretended not to notice but you could see the smirk on his face. Blushing, you looked back at the book on your desk. 

This happened in almost every class for weeks, and it was beginning to drive you insane. 

"Hannah I really need to talk to you." You announced one night after dinner. She followed you to your room and listened patiently while you ranted. 

"For the past four weeks I have found myself zoning out and staring at Malfoy. I can't stop! And he notices almost every time," you stop to take a breath, "I... I think I'm falling for him again." You whisper. Hannah sighs. 

"It's only been a year since Cedric died. How can you move on so quickly?" Hannah asks sadly. 

"Hannah I'm so sick of hearing that! I've mourned for an entire year, it's swallowed up my entire life! Don't I deserve to be in love again? It's not like I'm cheating on Ced, he's gone. There's nothing we can do. I've accepted it, and I still love him. But I need to move on, and you, as my best friend, need to help me." You scold. 

"If Ernie died I would never date only a year later." She argues. 

"You've been with Ernie for two whole years. I only got six months with Cedric." You counter. 

"It doesn't matter (y/n). You're being selfish." She snaps, and storms out of the room. 


That night, you had a dream about Cedric.

You were walking through the forbidden forest, and all of the sudden you ran into a pale ghostly figure. After staring at the face for a moment, you knew it was Cedric. 

"(y/n)!" He smiled brightly. You smiled back. 

"Hi Ced." You said softly, a tear escaping.

"I miss you so much." He whispered. He took a step toward you, but did not attempt to touch you, since it would be useless. 

"I miss you too." You answered, letting a sob escape. 

The two of you talked about nonsense, not wanting to bring up the reality that he was not really there. 

"You're not happy, are you?" Cedric finally said sadly. 

"Of course not." You answered. He sighed. 

"You don't need to keep being sad. I'm not going to be offended. I want to see you happy. So do whatever it takes to be, okay?" He asked. You nodded, and he reached to touch your cheek. You felt nothing of course. 

"I love you." He said, and disappeared. 

You woke up to a soaked pillowcase, and realized that you had been crying in your sleep. You remembered the dream all at once. 

You decide to talk to Draco the next time you see him.

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