Chapter 6

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The first task was scarier to you than it was to Cedric. He seemed confident. Especially after Harry told him there were dragons.

"Dragons?" You screeched when Cedric told you at dinner. He quickly clamped a hand over your mouth.

"(Y/n) shh!" He scolds. You roll your eyes as he removes his hand.

"Oh please Fleur and Krum already know. You have a plan right?" You asked, grabbing his hands. He smirks.

"Have you no faith in me?"

"Nope." You tease. Cedric suddenly glares at something behind you.

"What?" You ask. He growls quietly.

"Malfoy's staring at you." He says, clenching his jaw.

"Oh please who cares about him. Let's just eat."


"Hannah I should've discouraged him. He's gonna get hurt!" You paced in your dorm the night before the first task.

"(Y/n) it's Cedric Diggory, he'll be fine. Go to sleep." She groans, holding a pillow over her face.

Your last thought before falling asleep was that this tournament gave you a horrible feeling.


"YES! GO CED!!!" You screamed with Hannah. The second his turn was over, you ran down to the champions tent, even though you weren't supposed to be in there.

You burst through the entrance with a huge smile on your face. Cedric turned from what he was doing and smiled back as you ran to hug him.

"You did amazing, I'm so proud of you." You whispered. He laughed.

"Thank you, couldn't have done it without hearing you cheering." He smiled.

"Hey! You can't be in here!" Krum scolded. You kissed Cedric's cheek and walked back to your seat next to Hannah.


Hogwarts was beautiful in the winter. You loved seeing the snow over the castle. The Black lake was frozen and sparkled in the sun. As annoying as the cold was, the scenery definitely made up for it. 

Christmas was coming up, and all anyone could talk about was the Yule Ball. Ernie had already asked Hannah to go with him, and you were just waiting for Cedric to ask you. 

A week before the ball he still hadn't asked you. So you decided to ask him.

"Hey Ced..." You started one evening in the common room. He looked up from the spell book he was studying and smiled. 

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I was just wondering why you hadn't asked me to go to the Ball with you yet." You admitted shyly. He looked confused for a moment, then seemed to understand.

"I guess I just assumed we were going together. I'm sorry." He smiled sadly, taking your hand in his.

"Oh it's okay, I was just worried." You reassured him. 

"Well, will you go to the Yule Ball with me, (y/n)?" He smirked. You smiled.

"Of course."


"(Y/n) I can't find my other shoe!" Hannah shrieked from across the dorm room. You rolled your eyes. 

"Its over here by the door. Calm down would you?" You sighed. 

"Sorry, I'm just so excited that I can't keep track of anything." Hannah admitted. 

"Well you look gorgeous. Blue is definitely your color." You complimented her. 

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