He's my boy

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I loved him with every part of my soul.
I carried him inside my tummy, nine months in full.
I heard his cry, I touched his beautiful face.
But, I lost him to the system in a matter of days.

How can they take him away from me?
I loved him, with every thing I had, why couldn't they see?
Maybe I have a mental illness, or maybe it's because I don't have my own place.
But I'm willing to share with him where I am staying, we can share my space.

My baby needs his mommy, and I need my baby boy to love.
But what the system is saying is what I have to offer him is just not enough.
They let me see him for a few months until they found him a real home.
Now, I'm permitted not to be in his life, I'm living life alone.
How can they just take your baby away.
He was in my tummy, I carried him nine months, and now I have no say.
They let me have him for just a short while, now he's gone and I'm not feeling okay.
He's my baby boy, he's my son!
That is something they could never take away.

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