Broken Glass

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Broken glass

These shattered pieces of my heart fit into a mirror image of my broken glass.
The love I had for you, I gave with all my heart, you needn't have to ask.
I ran my fingers through your cold, cold soul.
And inside your heart was a deep, dark hole.

You never knew what love was until I showed you what it was all about.
You never had any belief, just a whole lot of doubt.
I turned your life around, little did you know.
But that was to many years ago.

Now I stand here facing my own skeletons in the closet.
You ran away the first chance you got, I'm telling you that I almost lost it.
Its okay because when its gonna be your turn to face the past.
You will never have the chance to cover up, to mask it.
It will be your time to fill up the broken glass.
With shattered pieces, but don't even think this time to ask.

With shattered pieces, but don't even think this time to ask

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