I fell apart!

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I fell apart

I fell apart last night and what did you do?
You sat there laughing at me, but you call yourself true.
I never meant to break in front of you.
But, it happened and I feel shameful, because really you haven't got a clue.
You don't know the real reasons why I broke down, it's because of you.
I found out you lied to me about last night, you were never true.

Now I'm walking around on egg shells and I don't know how to confront you with this news.
It can go either way but your gonna have to choose.
I'm not letting go so easily, she ain't winning you back without a fight, I'm not about to lose.
She had you for like a weekend, but I still have you.
We have to talk this over, tell me what I did to make you want her.
She's just another girl but I thought I was your world.

We have to put all of our feelings out there.
If you do then I know you still care.
Just don't laugh at me again, it's very insulting especially if your the one in the wrong.
Going back down this road again doesn't make me feel very strong.
At times I feel like I don't belong.
Make me feel special again, like you did when you loved me.
Or let me go and tell me what I did wrong, love me or set me free.
But, don't ever play head games again because next time I will call us " the end."

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