Chapter 2: Confusing Territory

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"Okay, gals and guys," the DJ anounces, "This'll be the last song, because believe it or not it's actually 12:30. So guys go grab your girls for one last dance."

I look around me and walk in the general area around me, and I cannot see Dax anywhere. But out of nowhere somebody grabs my hand, spins me around twice, and all of the sudden I am standing in the middle of the dance floor looking intoo those deep dark eyes.

But the face I'm staring at is not Dax's.

It's Tristin.

For a second I'm excited, and very happy.

Then I think it through, and I feel terrible. His right hand holding mine feels completely wrong. His other hand on the small of my back feels misplaced. "Tristin," I start and shake my head.

As my opinion begins to change, I feel his left hand sliding down from the higher part of my back to the middle, to farther down. I drop his right hand, and grab his other one pulling off my back.

But then, instead of just dropping my hands and giving up, he decides to roll it off his shoulders, and grab the hand i just used to remove his hand from my body, and twirl me.

When we get into a regular dancing postition again, I drop his hand. When he doesn't seem to get the message, I plant my feet on the tiled floor, and don't move a muscle. That is until his hands finally drop off of my hips, and I turn on my heels to walk the other way.

And run right into Dax. That's right. Right into his chest and he imediately wraps his arms around me.

"Hey, I was looking for you." I say, hoping he hadn't been there long. I really regreted falling for Tristin's charm, even if it was for just a couple of seconds. I stare into his eyes trying to read his expression. It is blank.

He starts to push past me quickly, and I try to grab his arm, but it is useless. He over powers me and starts to walk to Tristin. "Oh, God." I mutter.

"What the hell, Tristin?" He says. He doesn't yell it, but by his tone, I know he's pissed.

I jump in between the two of them. "Hey guys. settle down." I say. I turn to Dax and make him look me in the eye. "Hey, it's okay. Babe look at me." I tilt his chin down, so that our eyes lock. "I handled it, okay?"

Then I kiss him. And I mean it to calm him down, and it does. I know because I feel his lips relax into mine. But I am not thinking about the handsome boy I am kissing. I am thinking about the dark eyes of the one peering at me from behind. Dax must feel it, because he pulls back too early.

He firmly places his left hand on the small of my back, and leads me in the opposite direction and off of the dance floor.

We start to walk outside and I notice his mom' s car right there, in front of us. He turns to me, and grabs both of my hands. "Goodbye, Lane." And I tippy-toe up to kiss him on the cheek, right near his eye. I feel his hot breath on my neck... and I melt. He kisses me, forcefully, but lovingly at the same time.

"Bye," I whisper back.

Then he walks to the car, get's in, and as he drives off, he waves at me through the back windsheild, and he's gone.

Leaving me alone. In this confusing territory.

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