07| Endless

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Good News!

I'm going to be updating this story more often. Ever since my boyfriend broke up with me, I've found it easier to write this story. So expect updates at least every week.

lotsa love, Pain. 


D A I S Y 

"I think I was beginning to miss you." I took the bouquet of daisies from Kadens hands. Smiling as I touched the white petals. 

"It can't be all that fun staying here," Kaden said. 

"It rarely ever is staying in a hospital. But gran can't possibly take care of me at home so I guess I'll have to bear with it." I put the flowers on my bed, looking at the dark haired green eyed boy. "So how was school?"

"Same ol' same ol'."

"Any stupid bets you've done?" I didn't mention how entertaining his bets were from going to school shirtless to biting a strawberry out of Joey's mouth to tying his hair up in a tiny little ponytail. 

"Quite a bit as always but nothing all that scandalous yet." Kaden laughed. I wondered if anyone bothered to really look at Kaden these days because there was something bothering him. Once upon a time, Kaden's eyes glowed when I brought up the word bet. He would spring into an animated conversation about getting a strawberry out of Joey's mouth that would bring jokes about his sexuality. These days, it felt like it was bothering him and I wondered if he had taken a bet he regretted. Kaden was fully capable of saying no, but not all bets looked as pretty as they were till you had to actually do it. 

Some bets could be hurtful and dangerous. For Kaden's sake, I hope he isn't doing one of that nature. "As scandalous as having sex with Grace?"

"I did not have sex with her?"

"Just like you did not have sex with me?"

"No, I had sex with you," Kaden said, not at all bothered by it, a devilish grin on his face, "but I did not have sex with Grace, we actually called it quits. We both knew it wasn't working out."

I couldn't stop the grin that crept my features. It was the way he said it, like he was proud of having sex with me. I'd seen the looks other guys gave when I walked pass, losing your virginity to me was a joke. It was too easy. "I can't imagine anyone calling it quits with you."

"Well, a bet for a foundation of a relationship isn't all that strong I'm afraid." He smirked, "You do realise you shagged me and left the first time right."

"I was horny, you were willing," I teased.

Kaden laughed. 

I glanced around the hospital room, listening for any sounds, then softly I said, "I'm horny now too."

Kaden froze a little then he shook his head, "I'm sorry Daisy. I can't."

"Because we're in a hospital and I don't look swell?"

Kaden didn't laugh, but he smiled. His hand reached out to hold mine. "Daisy," He said, he hesitated, "please don't tell anyone but well, I might be interested in someone."


"No, not her. Um, you won't believe it, but it's Amber."

My eyebrows rose. 

Of all people Kaden could be interested in, my last guess would be Amber. Both of them fell into two different worlds, two different types of people.Outward, they would look good together, a pretty couple. Inside, was entirely different.

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