BONUS: Wilde

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This is a thank you to everyone who got me to 30k reads and 1.5k votes. Thank you & Merry Christmas. Please drop a vote or comment!


It's been a month. Wilde has avoided the cafe like no tomorrow, memories, heartache and everything flowing in with the pain that took her away from him. 

So he types on his macbook, a letter he may never send lest it affects her happiness but some place where he could get the words off his chest. 

Daisy Darling,

I keep thinking of you. I can't process it. Part of me wishes this didn't happen but a deeper part of me realises it's all my fault.

You're so beautiful Daisy. Why didn't I say it more often? Why didn't I show it to you? I don't know. It's my fault. I'm so sorry. I hate that younger me. The one that chased you away. You loved me. Why didn't I see it?

I was afraid. Your past, everything. The quiet secretive dates we went on, and how you seem to know the guy we bought our popcorn from, the waiter in that restaurant I took you for our six month anniversary, you and Joey spending all that time in College. Then that drunken accident you had? I panicked. I love you. I was afraid I'd lose you. What if you were sleeping with him? 

I know I overreacted that time when I surprised you. I knew I caught you off-guard but I was so jealous. He was near you, I was so far. Manchester. I hate my parents for that, for pulling me away from you.

Distance does crazy things to me. I need you. Every second every day. I was so afraid you'd forgotten me. Why else did you kiss him? Don't you miss my touch? I know we didn't start the right way when we were thirteen. I should have told you how I felt, maybe then you'd be my Daisy and not the Daisy that too many men have had and left. 

I wish I'd said how much I love you. How it wasn't just lust. How I needed you. I still need you. Hell. I can't type this without crying. Why did we end things so badly? Why couldn't I tell you everything I needed to. I love you. 

I can't say it enough because it doesn't undo what has happened. You're married now and pregnant and I've committed another sin by wanting you. You belong to another man. Not me. I'm sorry. 

I came back for you. I was too late. Six months was long, and three years were longer. You left me again. You changed your number and moved. I missed you. Not a day has gone by in three years where I haven't thought about you and that body of yours. You are still the only one I've touched.

"Corwin?" Wilde glances up from the computer, rubbing the tears using his collared shirt. A month had been a long time, six months longer. In a month, he'd left the internship with that mad hatter boss and was working a respectable job in his fathers firm. He knew he was favoured. All the late mornings he had would have gotten him fired at any other company. But this was his dad's.

But oddly enough, he didn't know many of them there. Save for Lilly. She stood uncertainly outside his door. She's his age but she was stuck as a secretary even though Wilde knew she was doing everything he was supposed to do. 

She bit her lip, "I reviewed the papers you wanted me to look at, but if it's a bad time..."

"It's fine." Wilde shut his laptop, trying to stop thinking of Daisy. Lilly walked up to him, handing him the accounts for the company that she calculated. She was doing more work than he was. He should feel guilty but he doesn't. "Thank you."

Lilly doesn't leave after he's taken the paper, standing almost uncertainly at his desk. "Do you have any plans for Christmas?"

"The company's Christmas dinner," Wilde replies bored. 

"Christmas eve?"

Wilde glances at her, taking in the brown hair and soft light green eyes that under some lighting can look blue. She was thinner than Daisy, and not as sharp or outspoken. But she was pretty. 

"Listen Lilly," Wilde said, "Anything other than the current relationship we have is unprofessional. I'm sorry."

He could see the hope leave her eyes but he doesn't flinch or care. He reviews the papers she did for him, hearing her leave his office.


His only care. Taken. 

He didn't want anyone but her. 

So he sat mooning over his computer, when the door opens and it's Lilly again, looking at him with her soft green eyes. "Corwin. I need a date for my parents evening dinner and I can't go alone, I lied and said I have a boyfriend and I -" She closed her eyes, "- really need you to do this as a favour, please?"

He wantsto tell her to deal with it, but at that moment she pulls his cold heart and he let out a breath. "Okay Lilly, I'll go."

He doesn't realise that it would be the start of his relationship with his girlfriend. He also didn't know that he'd marry her in two years, that she'd always be the one saving him from messing up and she was all he needed to get over Daisy.

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