16| A Mess of Fists

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I'd known Troy and Edward since I was seven. I really knew them when I was fourteen, when Mason shifted and Joey joined Kaden and Cassian. We became close over the years. Thus, seeing Troy angry was like having a blizzard in summer. 

Which was bizarre, Troy went on a date last night. With this hot girl that he'd been talking about for some time, he'd been struggling to get the courage or nerve to ask her out and when he did, he was nothing short of thrilled.

I couldn't imagine what sort of news could make Troy so pissed. Edward and I were seriously out of our element trying to get Troy to respond or well, fucking brighten up.

"Leave him be, he'll get over whatever mood he's in," Edward told me after my twentieth failed attempt of getting him to laugh with an inappropriate joke about my pastor. 

It was funny, Troy was always able to get Edward and I out of our bad moods but when Troy truly needed our help, he didn't seem to want the comfort, the jovial mood we pressed on him. It frustrated me. I felt like I was forcing him to let go of his favourite toy.

Or maybe, when Troy sulked, the git really sulked.

So it was later that friday, with Edward putting on his footy shoes and me listening to music on my phone before practice did Troy release the pent-up rage.

I wasn't sure when Troy changed or arrived on the football field but I saw his unmistakable gait walking on the field. I didn't think twice of it, I didn't even notice how his strides took him towards Zayeer who was warming up with Jason and Jeremiah. It's only when his fist collided with that bastard that caught my attention.

My headphones fell out. I ran. Feet striking the grass, moving so quickly across the short distance; possibly the first to recover from the shock to Troy's outburst. 

Jason and Jeremiah stood frozen as Troy threw another punch to Zayeer's stomach. "You dirty little bastard," I heard Troy said as he crumpled to the ground, coughing. One hand on his face, the other his stomach. "I know what you fucking did last night."

My mind spun, trying to figure out what happened as I stood beside Troy, a silent warning to Jason and Jeremiah. 

Troy wasn't a violent person. 

So I trusted that he had a good reason to punch Zayeer and frankly I'd punch the knob off if I could.

Zayeer stopped coughing, "The slut wanted it, she was begging me to do it." He rolled away before Troy could kick him. He pushed himself off to his feet, hatred burning into his eyes. He aimed a punch to Troy but Troy was taller and faster, he caught the punch before Zayeer swung and his grip tightened on the boys arm. 

I'd never been terrified of Troy in my life, but at that moment, it was like the dark skinned boy didn't even exist. "I dated her for a year." Troy pushed Zayeers fist away, "She's not a dumb girl who would willing do it with you."

Before Troy could punch Zayeer. I did. Zayeer didn't expect it, my fist colliding with his face. I heard a crack, his body hit the ground unflatteringly. I jumped on top of him, punching every bit of him I could. Anger radiating me off waves. The pieces fit.

Red hot anger swept through me. It didn't take Sherlock to figure out who Troy dated for a year, what girl in school who'd fit the description from the list of Troy's ex. I heard shouts. I heard Troy shout too and then there was hand on my shoulders on my waist and boys are pulling me off Zayeer and as I twist and turn, struggling to kill the boy with my bare hands. I saw Troy being pulled away too. He was letting them because it was practically impossible to pull Troy away. 

I was shouting, my voice raspy and angry. I couldn't care less who heard me or whatever would happen to me. All I felt was red hot rage. "Don't you dare talk about her like that!" I yelled at Zayeer. "I will fucking kill you."

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