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"OW!" I screamed as someone slapped me across the face to wake me up.

"what the hell?!?!"

I heard mutters behind me as a huge chunk of hair was ripped from my scalp. I cried out in pain as someone behind me laughed.

"feisty. I like it". The room was pitch black, but I could just about see a tall,dark figure walking over and standing in front of me.

"Who the yell are you?!" I yelled, sounding confident even though I felt like jelly inside.

"That is not important to you. You are only here because my boss wants you." He replied

"heck, you're only alive because Mr Co-- I mean my boss wants you alive. If you're dead, were dead" another chipped in.

"That doesn't answer my question.". You see, these nimrods here must never have been taught to check someones files before kidnapping them. They didn't know i was a blackbelt in 4 different types of karate. They didn't know I was the only female scout. But most importantly, they didn't know that I carried a pocketknife with me everywhere I went, and was currently cutting the rope that was keeping my arms strapped to the chair I was tied to.

"any last words?" The man said slyly.

"yeah" he looked at me surprised. "duck" for a brief second, surprise changed to shock as I hit him over the head with the chair. I shot to the door of the room, tripping on something on the way. I ran up some stairs and finally found a door which led to outside. I ran out and into the open air. I didn't realise before how cramped it was. I heard footsteps behind me and knew it wouldn't be long until they caught up. I ran straight into trafalga square and found myself lost in a sea of people. The last thing I heard was a loud thud and someone screaming my name. "LEXI NO!!!!!"


I awoke with a start as I found myself in the hospital with my pack, Dark Shadow, 's pack doctor running around me like a headless chicken. There were members of my pack scattered around the room waiting for me to awaken. As soon as I did, the tension I could once feel in the air was tons akd replaced with relief. Why was everyone acting so wierd? Where was Tristan? Were Taylor and Ashleigh ok? Just as I thought that, the memories of yesterday came flooding back to me. Of course they werent. My family was brutally murdered and the asshole who did it was gonna pay. I'm thinkin Victorian style. Drawn and quartered. Then maybe the ripping out and dangling of a few vital organs and limbs here and there. Even then they won't know what it feels like to lose your family so I may have to give them a taste of their own medicine...

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