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I cant really explain what happened next. All i can say is that suddenly, i saw red. I ran back home so fast that i left a fiery trail behnd me. I gathered all of my strongest fighters and we were gone within minutes. I had had my entire old family viciously stolen fro me, i was not going to let my new one be taken from me too. 

"Miss Jay, you may want to slow down a bit. This could be a trap." I could hear Ally, my beta's warnings behind me but i wasnt  thinking straight. All i could think was that i had to find and rescue Nate. I heard a yelp in the middle of the forest. I had already instinctively been running towards that part and the yelp made it more clear to me why i had been going that way. I was almost at Nathan when i felt a cold hand go over my mouth. I tried screaming but no one could hear me, my captur's grip tightning. I licked his hand. Big Mistake. He kicked my legs and i cried out in pain as i fell to the ground. He pulled me up again and whispered into my ear, loud enough for me to hear, but too quiet for anyone else too "this is what happens when you try to escape." His voice was cold. It sent shivers up my spine. Just then, I remembered all my karate training. I remembered what to do when you are captured and held hostage. S.I.N.G. Solarplexis Instep Nose Groin i elbowed him in the solarplexis, stood on his foot, punched him in the nose and elbowed him in the groin. He cried out in pain, and i shot out to get Nate. The person who was holding him had let go, and was running over to help his friend. I ran over to him, and told Nate to get on my back. He was in his human form, shivering yet sweating at the same time in fear. I had brought him some clothes to put on, and when we were far enough out into the woods, he put them on. His emotions sort of came back, and he blushed feverishly for being on my back stark naked whilst i ran to safety. I went behind a bush, turned human again and got dressed. 

"um... i... um..." he stared at the ground and started mumbling, embarrased. 

"Dont worry about it, Nate. I dont mind, youre like a little brother to me, think nothing of it. Its nothing to be embarrased about, you couldnt have got changed there, they could have re-captured you!" i reassured him that everything was OK while he tried to stop shivering. 

"th th thanks. If you hadnt have been there i dont know what i would have done... I am so greatful Miss Lexi"

"Its alright. How many times have i told you? Please call me Lexi or Lex, dont call me Miss Lexi, I sound like a school teacher" We both started laughing

"Ok Mi- I mean Lex. Can we go home now though? Because im starving, i wasnt kidding about putting tea on!" We ran home laughing and smiling. I'd deal with the kidnappers tomorrow. Right now, im gonna chill out, watch some TV, and have a nice,relaxing bath.

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