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Hey guys sorry it took so long for me to uodate but i am doing now i might doo you guys an extra chapter ;) anyway the chapter after these will be done as soon as i hit the 250 readers mark so tell your friends, VOTE COMMENT FAN! Plus any new covers appreciated! Anyway... onto the story!


Ben's POV

"Im so sorry sir, she hurt Kenny really bad, hes in hospital right now, recovering. He was unconcious when we found him, layin dead on the floor he was, well at least thats what we thought, until we got him to the hospital, and he finally woke up after a LOT of medicine." 

"SORRY?!?!??!?" he yelled. WOW he was mad. Here I was thinking hed be fine and just punish Kenny or something, after all, you shouldnt shoot the messanger. 


I couldnt understand why he was so mad.It was just a girl. No one even important...

"whats so important about this girl sir? If you dont mind my asking..."

"NON OF YOUR DAMN BUISNESS!!!!!!!! GO OUT AND GET HER! TELL KENNY TO MAN UP AND GROW A PAIR! I NEED THE GIRL!" With that he slapped me across the face,me the omega. I was in such shock i just started yelling back. Big mistake. Never yell at an alpha. 

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST SLAP ME YOU UGLY SON OF A BITCH?!?!?" I  yelled. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE! YOU KNOW WHAT? IM NOT YOUR PISSIN SLAVE! GO OUT AND FIND THE GIRL YOURSELF! ITS YOU WHO WANTS HER! PISS OFF AND LEAVE ME THE SHIT ALONE!!!!!" I yelled. I was so mad, I saw red, and my heart was beating at 100mpm! My wolf was begging for me to let it out and in control, and I knew that if i didnt leave soon, I was gonna die. I shot out of there faster than a bullet and went for a run. I ran out of the pack house and tore my clothes off. I felt them ripping as I turned into my Sandy wolf. It wasnt as big as the alphas, but it was big non the less. I ran out into the woods, finally allowing my wolf the control he desired. i ran for i dont know how long not stopping for anything. 

Bethany's POV

I was running through the woods when I smelt a strange smell, like... Lavander and Camomile. I ran towards the smell, and felt a slight pull towards it. The pull got stronger until i was no longer physically able to turn away from it. I finally reached the source of the amazing smell. I froze. 

BETHANY AND BEN'S POV (They say the same thing)

I froze. "Mate" we whispered simultaniously. 

Oh. My. Gosh.


Hey guys... so LEAVING IT ON A CLIFFY!;) 

I know oh im so mean... 

I promise ill upload soon just been busy with school and stuff. Anyway 


Everybody read who this chappy is dedicated to coz they are my fave wattpadders! You should read their books! I need a cover so im holding a comp



3rd place - VOTE AND COMMENT

Please Please Please join in! You can send me covers via Wattpad or twitter @lostboyslover @FireflyGirl so PLEASE JOIN IN!!!!!!!! thanks to all my dedicated fans! 





Luv ya <3 xx

~Shannon x

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