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Lexi's POV

What the hell? Hes gone? WTF??? yes I DID just say What The Flamingo's. Dont hate me coz I'm awesome. 

"What the hell do you mean hes GONE?!??!? Where the hell is he?!!?! TELL ME!" I yelled at the fat, ugly, incompitant piece of Ectoplasm that was stood in front of me. 

"I mean... He. Is. Gone." she said like she was telling a 5year old. 

" I got that you dumbass WHERE?!" this bitch was REALLY pissing me off. 

"Why would we tell you?"

"Because if you dont Im gonna ring your bloody neck!" I yelled.

"I'd like to see you try." she said cockily.

"Then this is gonna be fun"


sorry its so short. Do you guys think i should enter this in the Watty Awards 2012? PLEASE COMMENT xxxxx

~Isabella x

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