Something new

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[a/n- I know this ones short. I'm sorry plushies I've got a lot of tests and assignments at the moment before we start studying for exams so I'm trying to get this out of the way first. I'll pop out another one as soon as I can. Oh! And I hope you like cliff hangers, unless you know who this chapters introducing ;) ]

It's been days...weeks...okay, months since (y/n)'s mother died, now without both parents and given sometime to get over her losses (y/n) is getting ready for their funeral. Sadly, she doesn't have the closest family so she will be spending most of the event alone. There was a gentle knock on the door, finishing her outfit she opened the door to see Jason and Jack dressed as typical human people. Jason was wearing attire similar to his usual outfit and face paint to hide the triangular pattern under his left eye along with brown contacts. Jack was wearing a funeral out fit and large amounts of paint to cover his complexion accompanied with blue contacts, he also has to hide his hands in his pockets. Giving the boys a tight smile in greeting the three of them made their way to where the funeral was being held.

~Le time skip through the funeral to the reading of the will brought to you by me watching Pitch Perfect 2~

(Y/n) sat stiffly and uncomfortably in the front row of chairs with Jack and Jason on either side of her. Receiving odd looks and side ways glances from the rest of her family, (y/n) just focused on staying calm and getting through the last of the day's troubles. They were coming to the end of the will and most of her family had been given little knickknack's and family heirlooms, it had come time for (y/n)'s name to be read on the will to see what she would receive from her deceased parents.

"...and to our daughter (y/f/n), whom we love with all our heart, we leave our savings, our home and this wooden box. Please (y/n), never use the box and never break the box, just keep it hidden and keep it safe. When your time comes, pass it on with the same warning we gave you." Everyone looked confused at (y/n) whom of which only looked more confused then anyone else. The man reading the will looked expectantly at her until (y/n) stood to receive the small box accompanied by an envelope and house keys.

~Le timeskip to everyone going back home brought to you by me working on this instead of working on my English short story assignment~

Upon arriving home (y/n) went inside whilst the others went home with a quiet goodbye. Reading over a note that came with the wooden box repeating what the speaker had said when she was given the item her eyes scanned over the paper until she saw nothing she didn't already know. Upon closer inspection the box's backing had holes in it the size of nails, or perhaps screws as if it had been taken off of something or perhaps even torn off of something. She faced the box to herself once again noticing a small sign on it reading "pennies please". [or pound/dollar etc. depending on where you're from] Scrunching the paper and envelope up to throw in the bin (y/n) frowns when she feels a hard object in the envelope she didn't notice before. Unfolding the now scrunched up envelope she opened the palm of her hand for a small wooden coin to fall out and land in her palm. Eyebrows knitting together (y/n) examined the coin, it was small, a quarter of the size of her palm, it had a top hat on the side facing her and on the other, a cane. Shaking her head clear of any thoughts about the weird coin and box she slipped the box with the coin on top into her closet as it was the only hiding spot she could think of at that point in time. Deciding she'd spent enough time grieving over the months (y/n) stood to have a shower.

After bathing herself and getting comfortable she decided to try and relax for a while only for the warnings about the box to creep into her mind once more. As the thoughts about the wooden item crowded and consumed her thoughts (y/n) decided to give in to her curiosity. Walking to the kitchen she collected a (pennie, pound, dollar etc.) off of the counter and walked to her room picking up the box she sat on her bed, the door closed, wooden coin beside her and wooden box on her lap. Carefully, she inserted a coin into the box only to be met with a deafening silence, questioning why she didn't hear the coin hit the bottom (y/n) jumped a bit when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. It wasn't Jack or Jason though, this knock was different, it sounded like pencils tapping against the wood. Slowly mustering up the courage to answer the door (y/n) carefully approached it as she took the door knob in her shaking hand to pull it open however she was met with a...

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