Chapter 7

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Luciano came out of his bathroom, black towel wrapped around his waist while he dried his hair with a smaller towel  and that's when he noticed Lorenzo was in there changing the sheets on their bed.

You see, Luciano and Lorenzo normally share a woman and that's why the huge bed and the last woman was Jessica Simprani.  She was their fiancé, until they caught her with her legs spread for some as*shole she'd been bangin on the side.

Lorenzo lost it but somehow dealt with it and within six months, he was moving on but Luciano?  It f*cked with him in the worst way and now women were disposable.

"Hey bro" Luciano called out but the only response he got was a grunt.  He knew Lorenzo was pissed at the way he had treated Shea and yeah a part of him felt bad but not enough to be nice.

His brother made friends easily and people gravitated to him but people seemed to fear Luciano and to keep people from getting too close, he would rather that be the case.

"Renz..." He started when his brother turned around, glaring at him but he continued anyway.  "I know I'm a d*ck..."  "Yeah, you are Luciano" he bit back causing Luciano to sigh.

"Never mind" Luciano said, turning to walk off.  "Can I trust you?" Lorenzo asked.  His brother whipped around and walked towards him.

"Lorenzo, have you ever known a time you couldn't?"  His brother exhaled loudly and shook his head no.  "What is it?" He asked.  Lorenzo looked at his brother intently before answering.

"Do you remember dad telling us about Stefano Cecotti around two years ago?"  Luciano nodded.  "Okay remember how dad was expecting Stefano's girlfriend to make her way here but she never made contact with him once she reached Sicily and no one knew if she ever got here?"

"Where are you going with this Renz?" His brother asked.  "Shea has a necklace with a signet ring on it.  The initials on it are SC and she has a picture of her and Stefano but what really convinced me was a letter to her signed by Stefano.

I think Shea is the girl that dad had made an agreement with Stefano to protect, she's who he was waiting for but I think something happened and either she didn't know or something scared her off."

Luciano was pacing around the room, taking in everything his brother told him and then he said "I think we need to have dad and mom over for dinner.  Dad needs to know about this so he can observe her."

"Until then, we mention nothing to her, okay?  She's dealing with some pretty heavy sh*t and I honestly don't know how much longer she can keep herself together" Lorenzo said.

"I'll do what you ask Renz but please don't let her hurt you.  I couldn't bear to watch you go through that again.  She might very well be nice, but seriously, please be careful."

Lorenzo nodded and added "She is insisting on cooking, cleaning and running errands to earn letting her stay here.  I told her it was okay.  Are you okay with that arrangement?"

Luciano scowled but nodded.  "Yeah sure whatever.  I just want her to stay away from me and I swear if she hurts you, she's not only out, but I'll make her hurt."

Lorenzo just scoffed and shook his head.  "Fine butt head but she's not gonna hurt me, I can guarantee that.  She's not the kind of person that hurts someone else.  She's been on the receiving end and I know she wouldn't heap that kind of pain on anyone else."

Luciano & Lorenzo (A Sequel to Bella Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now