Chapter 14

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I couldn't believe how groggy I felt and warm too, very warm and when I turned my head to the left, I found the reason for my warmness.  It took the shape of a very sexy man and apparently after my drunken show last night, he felt the need to watch over me.

My gorgeous guardian angel, with amazing eyes, a beautiful body and an even more beautiful heart.  I want you... I kept hearing his words playing over and over, like a song on a constant loop.

Sighing, I leaned over and kissed him ever so softly, not wanting to wake him and then slid from bed, padded to the bathroom and shut the door, listening for it to barely click.

I looked at myself in the mirror, hating what I saw, who I saw and all of those insecurities I had left over from Stefano's reign of terror, came blasting their way back into my mind and heart, like a bullet train hurtling down the track.

When I finished brushing my teeth, I took a wash cloth, wet it and washed my face and turned on the shower knowing the hot sprays would bring me some comfort and at this point I'd take it.

Letting the water run down my tired body was just what I needed as the sound drowned out any other noise, including being joined by another body, which I knew belonged to Lorenzo.

The moment his strong, capable arms went around my waist, I lost it, turning around and throwing my arms around his neck.  I had to stand on the tips of my toes because of how short I was.

He let me cry, while he whispered such encouraging, sweet things to me and I knew, that even if I wasn't meant to be with both brothers, I could find peace and maybe love with Lorenzo and that comforted me more than I could express.

"Thank you" I sniffed, my words muffled in his neck as he drew his arms tighter around me.  "Shea, look at me" he said softly, I tilted my head back so I could see him.

"I will not make excuses for him, but he was hurt, extremely bad, and he's not ever gotten over it.  I think he just needs a little time is all.  I just wanted you to know" he said solemnly.

I nodded, pulling his lips down to mine, our eyes met while mine silently pleaded for him to kiss me, so I closed my eyes and waited and when I felt them I didn't hesitate to part them, giving him full access.

I felt him back me up to the shower wall and then he stepped back and grabbed a foil packet from the shelf.

I'm assuming he brought that when he first came in.  I watched him tear it open and roll it on to his hardened length, my core clinching because I knew what I was going to experience and I needed it, my body craved it.

"Wrap your legs around me bella" he whispered as he picked me up.  Feeling him slip into me was almost like a spiritual experience.  It made me feel normal and I wanted to feel normal, just once.

Lorenzo made gentle love to me, telling me how beautiful I was, how much I meant to him and how he wanted me and wanted a relationship with me.

Needless to say, his words rocked me right over the ledge and I cried as I found release and it was cathartic and felt wonderful letting all that sh*t go down the drain.

When we were done, he still continued to hold me, kissing my shoulder, neck, lips and finally, a lingering, soft kiss on my heart which made my breath hitch at his kindness.

He slowly let me down and then turned me away from him, grabbing the shampoo, he washed my hair, conditioned it and then put body wash on the scrunchy and massaged my body as he washed it, leaving me feeling boneless.

I returned the favor by washing his body and it somehow turned into a sensual dance that ended in nothing but gentle kissing, caressing and massaging each other and it was enough.  More than enough.

I even let him dry me off when we stepped from the shower, like it had been the final act, sealing our intimacy we had just shared.

"I'm gonna go get dressed babe" he said, kissing my forehead, then wrapping a towel around his waist, he left and headed to his room.

I threw my wet hair into a messy bun, grabbed a pair of jeans and a plain black tee shirt on and headed downstairs to fix coffee and breakfast.

I was alone, for which I was grateful because I didn't know if emotionally I could deal with seeing Luciano right now and after what I saw last night and knowing what took place at the club, I was still trying to pull the dagger from my heart.

Getting the coffee going was easy, but wanting to cook now, that took effort and willpower, something I wasn't sure that I possessed at the moment, but I forged ahead.

I made French toast, with a raspberry purée and fresh vanilla cream, served it up with heated maple syrup and fresh fruit, bacon and sausage.

I set the table for two, fixed my plate, what little I put on there and took my leave outside, sitting by the pool, adoring the beauty I saw around me in the flowers that were growing everywhere.

The light breeze carried their fragrance to me, like my own private aromatherapy and I was so appreciative of their willingness to give of themselves.

I managed to eat a triangle of the French toast and some fruit and half a cup of coffee before I felt I could take no more and headed inside.

My stomach rolled and lurched as soon as I crossed the threshold, because there, by the sink, stood a god-like figure, the man who had ripped my heart in two, for the second time, once by Stefano and now by him.

I tried to just get through the time it took to wash my dishes and to disappear upstairs but fate wasn't having it and I silently cursed the moment I heard words slip from his sexy mouth.

"Shea..." He started, his voice sounding sleep deprived. "No, Luciano. Not right now, please" I begged, hating that my voice was cracking from my damned emotions.

I watched his shoulders slump in defeat at my words and I took my escape quickly, heading to my room where I took a blanket from the closet, my I Pod and stepped onto the balcony.

Before I could get my earbuds in, I heard them yelling, well Lorenzo did most of the shouting and I didn't care to hear any of it, knowing I was the focal point of their conversation.

The last thing I wanted was to come between them, so maybe I needed to look for a job and move out. God, my head hurt so bad.

I decided I was in no shape to make such a rash decision, so I just closed my eyes and let my music take me away, deciding I would deal with all this later, when I could think rationally.

Luciano & Lorenzo (A Sequel to Bella Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now