Chapter 26

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I was never so glad to have those annoying stitches taken out so I could scratch the heck out of the wound.  That's the only thing that sucks about healing wounds, they itch.

The twins were gone from bed, not by long though, judging by the warmth that was still lingering in our bed.

I threw on my gray yoga pants and my vintage Dr. Pepper tee shirt, threw my hair into a bun and brushed my teeth.

Feeling refreshed and awake, I headed down to the kitchen to fix coffee and breakfast.

When I got to the entrance, I heard the twins talking and it was about me; I couldn't help but listen.  I knew it wasn't right but I still had a lot of past hurts and  I wouldn't  get over this 'trust' issue over night.

"Look brother, we both love her" Lorenzo said.  "And we definitely knows she loves us.  Luciano, you're the oldest and our Don, so by your birthright your name should be on the marriage license as her husband.

I don't need to see my name on anything to know that she belongs to me and anyway she'll have the Siranni last name, so it's a win-win."  Lorenzo grinned like an idiot at his brother.

Holy cow and ice cream!  They wanted to marry me!  How do I act like I didn't hear what I just heard?  Simple, I won't hide it, I'll let them know that I know.

"Um, good morning guys" I said shyly, showing myself from around the corner.

Luciano narrowed his eyes at me.  "How much did you hear?" He asked. 

I walked over to him, put my arms around his neck and gave him a huge, loud, wet kiss before bothering to answer him.

"Enough to know that I would be honored to have both of you as my husbands."  I searched his eyes for any change in his demeanor.

He leaned his head against mine.  "You mean that, Shea?"  I picked up the hand that I would place his wedding band on and said "I do."

Lorenzo let out a huge laugh and when his brother and I looked at him, he said "What?  She's already memorized her line!"

Luciano smirked while I walked to his brother and gave him the same kind of kiss, but I added something extra for him.

"You will still wear my ring, just as I expect to wear your ring.  I will take Luciano as my legal husband, but both of you will be in that role, I will love you both equally and I will show you both the utmost respect as my husbands."

I loved how they looked at me like I'd grown an extra head, but I just laughed and went about fixing breakfast as usual.

I fixed eggs Benedict with a homemade hollandaise sauce, potatoes cut up into small cubes and fried in a pan with onions. Before too long the whole house smelled wonderful.

"So, Shea" Lorenzo said grinning. "You up for dinner at the parents house tonight?" I smiled back and said "Of course. Anything that will facilitate our union quicker."

Luciano choked on his coffee while Lorenzo patted him on the back. "What?" I said innocently.

"I know you want to get married, I'm just trying to cut out all of the white noise and get from point A to B. I mean I would do it tomorrow if you wanted to" I told them, all evidence of joking gone.

Luciano & Lorenzo (A Sequel to Bella Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now