Chapter 19

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Luciano and Lorenzo had been in their study preparing for the scheduled meeting when they heard Shea get home, so they went out see her and ask if she needed help.

They both thought she looked overwhelmed with all of her purchases, just because of the look on her face.

"Hey guys" she said smiling and instantly their faces lit up as well. "I see you had a good time" Lorenzo joked.

"Believe it or not, I really did. Milan is a great girl and we had fun. I did splurge on something for the house and you guys" Shea said.

She proudly held up a brand new panini press and waved her hand towards the beer and wine on the table.

"I'm making paninis for your dinner tonight and I didn't know what you might want to drink with them so I picked up a little of everything" she shrugged her shoulders, blushing a little.

"Is this all of your shopping?" Luciano asked. "Yeah, I'll take it up in a minute" she said. He shook his head. "I'll do it so you can put everything away down here" he replied.

The smile she gave him was thanks enough as he gathered her things and headed up the stairs.

Lorenzo walked in front of her, took her arms and wrapped them around his waist and kissed her. It was a good kiss, one that he'd waited on all day and was finally getting.

"Hmm, you can certainly kiss me like that any time" she whispered, touching his cheek. She got another one just because.

"So what all are you fixing" Lorenzo asked, leaning on the counter just watching her. "Well, the paninis, I bought chips and that little deli around the corner from the gelato shop? Milan said they had great antipasto, so I picked some of that up.

Beer and wine of course and for dessert, I'm making cannoli with mini chocolate chips. Those are my favorite, so I thought I'd make those for you guys" Shea answered.

"Sounds very good" Luciano said, coming down the stairs. "I put your toiletries in the bathroom and everything else I laid on your bed."

Shea walked over and gave him a peck on the corner of his mouth, smiled and then went to work.

"Go get changed while I start dinner. Your men will be here soon" she said.

Nodding, the twins headed upstairs to change and talk about tonight's meeting.

"I just don't know how I feel about doing business with the Japanese. Trouble just seems to follow them everywhere and they have a tendency to leave a trail of bodies" Lorenzo said.

"I know brother, I feel the same way but dad always taught us to listen to any business plan but you don't have to accept it. Listening is free and that's all I intend to do right now" Luciano reassured his brother.

Honestly he'd never given thought to dealing with any drugs over than pot and he sure as hell would never touch H or anything like it.

Both men changed into gray dress pants and black button down dress shirts, brushed their teeth and ran fingers through their hair. When finished, they headed back to the kitchen.

  When finished, they headed back to the kitchen

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Luciano & Lorenzo (A Sequel to Bella Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now