Chapter 18

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(Continuation of chapter 17)

I rolled over and immediately felt the absence of Lorenzo's body in my bed and I missed him. Sighing, I laid there for a bit longer before getting up and jumping in the shower.

I was looking forward to the first part of the day because Milan and I were going shopping, the thing I didn't look forward to was Lorenzo feeling like he had to pay for my clothes but then he explained that I was cooking for them and cleaning, and he wanted to do this for me and so I supposed I would let him.

Leaving my hair down to dry naturally, I applied light makeup consisting of powder, blush, eyeliner, mascara and nude lip gloss.

I picked a light fabric burgundy sweater, dark skinny jeans and white low rise Chuck Taylor's.  Milan had given me my first purse in a long time and when I opened it up, I found sunglasses and a wallet.  I would return those when I saw her.

I made my way to the kitchen and from the shuffling in the twins room I knew they were up, so I had time to rustle up breakfast for us

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I made my way to the kitchen and from the shuffling in the twins room I knew they were up, so I had time to rustle up breakfast for us.

I looked for potatoes and found some that I had already cooked, frozen peas and ham, so they were getting Spanish omelettes, thick cut peppered turkey bacon and sausage.

I couldn't believe all of the food in this house but was grateful I didn't have to grocery shop any time soon as I hated that one chore more than any other.

Once the coffee was going, I set a place setting for three and got busy on the main course for our breakfast, sautéing the veggies and ham first, then I cracked the eggs and whisked them, adding salt and pepper.

Looking up, my heart nearly stopped.  Luciano and Lorenzo were standing in front of me, both in black fitted suits.  Very expensive looking and their shirts adorned with silk wine colored ties and Italian loafers.

Holy shit, how am I gonna get through this?  I thought as their scent surrounded my space, hugging me like their strong arms did.

"Good morning, Shea" Luciano said, flashing me a smile that wouldn't quit while Lorenzo came in behind me, his arms coming around my waist, his lips on my neck.

"Good morning, bella" he said softly.  "Good morning to you both" I said, blushing a little from their stares.  "You look beautiful" Lorenzo said.  I shrugged and said awkwardly "Shopping day with your sister."

Luciano scoffed and said "She can be quite vigorous when it comes to shopping, so don't let her bully you into anything."

I smiled at his words, saying thank you as I turned around continued on breakfast and when the first one was done, I plated it with bacon and sausage, handing it to Luciano.

The second one was ready in no time and I did the same thing for Lorenzo and handed him his plate.  "Coffee is ready too" I threw out there.

"What kind of omelette is this?" Luciano asked.  "Spanish" I replied, taking a bite and humming in appreciation at the exploding flavors.

"This is very good baby" Lorenzo said while his brother nodded.  We had light conversation as we finished our meal when Luciano turned and asked me a question.

"Shea, I'm having a meeting this evening with six of my trusted crew.  Would it be too much trouble for you to fix food enough for eight tonight?"

"No not at all" I smiled.  "As a matter of fact, I have the perfect thing, so I will take care of.  What time will you expect dinner?" I asked.

"Seven-ish?" He replied.  I smiled and he returned the smile, a genuine one that reached his eyes and melted my heart some more.

"Thank you, really.  Plus I will introduce you to the people that Lorenzo and I trust with our lives, yours and my family."  Oh wow, this was big.

He started to walk off, when I grabbed the cuff of his suit jacket, he turned, shocked at my actions.  I stepped forward a bit and placed a small peck on his cheek.

"Be careful" I said softly, he smiled, nodded and left.  My gaze met a smirking Lorenzo.  "What?" I said a little defensively.  "Nothing cara.  I'm just really happy to see you trying with each other.  That's all" he remarked.

I felt bad about snapping at him, so I closed the distance between him and I, placed my palms on his chest and said "Kiss me."

I got so easily lost in his kisses, so much that I had to push myself away from him, because I wanted more and he couldn't give me it right now.

"Here" he said handing me a credit card.  "I had one made for you and no arguing about it.  You are part of our family and we take care of our own."

I didn't fight or argue with him about it, I just took it, smiled and thanked him for it.  "Be careful" I said, kissing the end of his nose.  I loved the crooked smile he flashed as he left.

"Wow" I whispered, cleaning up from breakfast and waiting for Milan to arrive.  I was actually looking forward to shopping with her and just getting out again.

"Shea? Shea! You ready?" Milan was here and calling out to me as she entered in through the back of the house. "Hey girl! I'm in here!" I called from the kitchen.

"You ready?" She asked, I nodded as I hung the towel on the handle of the stove. I picked up my purse and stuck the credit card Lorenzo had given me inside one of the pockets.

"Hey, I found these sunglasses and wallet in the purse you gave me" I told her, holding them out. She shook her head and said "I left those and the wallet in there for you, sis." My heart flipped at her term of endearment.

I smiled, took her hand and followed her out of the house and into the waiting car.

We went to several boutiques and shops and I got jeans, dress pants, sexy blouses, tee shirts, sexy shirts, dresses, more shoes...dress, tennis shoes, flats, sandals and some more boots.

I think I bought my weight in panties and bras, hair products, make up and perfume. Our last stop was to get some more purses.

Clutches, messenger bags, dress purses and a couple more wallets and sunglasses for good measure. I couldn't believe that I spent almost six thousand dollars!

On our way home, I stopped at a panini shop and bought a press, we stopped and stocked up on wine and beer and lastly, I picked up the ingredients to make cannoli, chocolate chip ones at that, to go with the dinner for tonight.

After putting everything up, spending another hour or so with Milan, she left and I collapsed in dire need of a nap, but loving every minute of my day.

Setting my alarm for five-thirty, I laid down and fell right to sleep, my thoughts quickly falling to Luciano and men, my life and now my hope.

Luciano & Lorenzo (A Sequel to Bella Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now