Chapter 25

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Luciano took in a deep breath as he stepped from his vehicle, followed by Shea and his brother.

He was finally home.  After four days in hospital, he was home, with the two people he loved more than life and who he would do anything for.

After getting their small bags upstairs, the twins told Shea they needed to meet with the men quickly and they'd be right back.

In true Shea fashion, she bestowed a kiss on each cheek and told them she would be readying the shower.

Giancomo, Matteo and Dino were waiting for them in the study and stood to attention when both men entered the room.

Luciano might have been wounded, but he still garnered respect from his men and was still a formidable presence despite the bullet holes that were healing in his body.

"Report" Luciano barks as he sits down in his chair, a slight wince escapes his mouth as he looks to see if anyone says anything. They do not.

"Yamamoto is looking for a sit down. He has told us that he did not sanction the hit on you and when we showed a picture of the man we captured, he told us the man was disrespectful and sent back to Tokyo four weeks ago.

After checking our story, he called back to say indeed the man had escaped them and was on the run. His contacts are placing him back here in Sicily.

He's offered his help in finding the man, with us, he just wants to claim the right to end his life. He also understands our philosophy of a life-for-a-life and has no issue with the man your father ended."

Giancomo gave a very thorough report, but Luciano was still troubled by some things.

"Are they wanting us to be involved in their drug trade?" He asked this of his consigliere, Matteo.

The man shook his head no. "As a matter of principal and respect for you and your father, he said he would never ask us to push the white, only the medical grade MJ we are doing now.

Yamamoto said this man, from his ranks, has always had a hard on for the powder and could only see it for the dollar signs, not something you need to be careful with on how you distribute and in who's territory."

Lorenzo looked at his brother. "Yamamoto has always been above reproach and never lied to us. I don't see any reason for misgivings now. I think we should at least meet with the man and see his eyes."

Lorenzo always believed you could tell a lot about a man from his eyes. A little something he picked up from his father along the way and it has served him well.

Luciano nodded in agreement with his brother and looked to his other men. Each one lifted a single finger,indicating their agreement as well.

"Gia, communicate with Yamamoto's man and find out his schedule and see if you can set the meet for day after tomorrow, somewhere neutral but where we can have some privacy as well and then get back with me.

Alright gentlemen, thank you for everything. Get some sleep and we'll see you in the morning for the business briefings."

Each man left, going to their respective sleeping quarters, while Lorenzo and Luciano remained, their conversation switching over to Shea.

"I think she's ready for the next step, brother" Lorenzo said as Luciano nodded in acknowledgment.

"I agree and I am as well. Finally. I hate to think it took us getting shot to realize it though but I am more than ready and I think the three of us have suffered from our pasts long enough.

We'll have a talk with mom and dad and then we can look for the rings, talk logistics of who will be on the marriage license, etc.

But for now, I want our shower, our woman and our bed. I know I will sleep better being in bed with both of you and right now I could use it to recharge."

As they got closer to their bathroom, they could sense the steam coming from the en suite and they could smell Shea's fragrant body wash.

Both men stood there, enthralled as they watched their woman soaping her body down, then slowly working her leg, getting it soapy, as if she knew she had an audience.

"Join me?" Came her soft voice.  Both men undressed when Lorenzo told Luciano to let him tend his wound first, taking off the old bandage and applying a waterproof one.

Once this was done, both men stepped inside as Luciano stood in front of Shea and his brother came in behind her.

The three of them weren't interested in sex at this moment, not that Luciano could right now anyway, but instead it was about closeness and the bond that they were forming.

Shea used her hands instead of a loofah, which felt amazing to Luciano as he closed his eyes, loving how her hands felt on his chest, arms and belly.

Lorenzo took care of her back, careful of her wound, while she still administered gentle caresses to his brother.

"There" she whispered and standing aside so he could rinse off and when that was done, he turned her gently to face Lorenzo so she could do the same thing for him.

While she took care of his brother, Luciano squirted her shampoo in his hands and started to wash her hair, eliciting a very sexy moan from her.

"Feels good, doesn't it fiore?" He mumbled against her ear.  "Yes" that single word answer sounded breathy as he continued lightly scraping her scalp with his nails.

When he was done with her, Lorenzo turned her back to face his brother while he put conditioner in her hair.

After a very thorough shower, Shea moved to close the gap between her and Luciano, carefully putting her arms around his waist, she laid her head against his chest as Lorenzo enraptured her with his arms, his chin resting on her shoulder.

The three of them stood there long enough to receive the silent but effective vibes each of them was putting out, sighing Luciano suggested they get out, dry off and go to bed.

Once out and dried, Shea replaced Luciano's bandage with a dry one, making sure it was secure and then he did the same thing for her.

Lorenzo and Shea pulled the comforter back and then the sheet and blanket.  Climbing in first, Shea was next and then Luciano.

"I love you both, so much" Shea said softly.  Lorenzo kissed the back of her bare shoulder, while Luciano kissed her mouth.

"We love you too" they both said.  Closing their eyes, the three of them fell into the first restful sleep in a long time.

Luciano & Lorenzo (A Sequel to Bella Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now