Chapter 11

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My hands shook as I reached into my backpack, taking the picture, the letter and my contacts list, as I absentmindedly pulled the necklace from under my dress, twisting it in my fingers, my mind transporting me back to the kitchen earlier and Luciano.

Was it possible that he was interested in me, that Lorenzo was as well?  A menage?  Really?  Well you let Stefano f*ck you while his men watched my subconscious picked this exact moment to be a b*tch, but she was right.

Sighing, I quickly thought back to what Luciano said and he was right, this was a conversation for the three of us to have, in private, tonight and I knew depending on the conversation and how it went, I would have to tell them everything.  They had to know what they were getting into with me.

I walked back down to the study, the kitchen quiet and I imagined that Calli and Milan were elsewhere in the house.  I rapped softly on the huge wooden door, and was acknowledged by an accented voice.  "Come in."

Vincenzo Siranni was studying me and the fact of it is, I didn't mind at all, I mean who could blame him.  He didn't know me, yet I was living with his sons, whom he had turned his businesses over to.

"Shea please start at the beginning" Don Vincenzo asked, so I did.  I would be honest with them about everything and hope along the way that he doesn't ask me about my sexual past with Stefano, but if he did, I would tell him.

"Well firstly, my real name is Daren Capelli.  Shea Quinn is the name that was on my last passport and the name that I chose to keep.  I was born in Dallas, Texas and was raised by Italian parents that split their time between the US and Milan.

On one of their trips back to Milan, they were both killed in a home invasion robbery gone bad.  I was seventeen at the time and two weeks from graduating high school.  I'd been accepted in to Harvard but with everything that happened I just didn't care anymore.

My best friend in high school, Cara Stevens, her mom Nancy owned a small pub in the West End Arts district called Brewsky's and I moved in with them and went to work at the pub.

One night, I took out the trash and heard arguing in Italian and broken English and I witnessed Stefano Cecotti kill someone.

They didn't even know that I'd seen it until I told Nancy and she called the police.  They had me convinced that if I testified and told the truth, that they could protect me and put me into Witness Protection.

Well obviously it backfired, because Stefano was able to get his hands on me anyway and kidnapped me.  He enjoyed playing with me and he loved to play Truth or Consequences.

I didn't see any point in lying to him, so I told him the complete and honest truth about that night and what I got was a good beat down from him, I fell unconscious, and when I awoke, I was told that I was his, that he owned me.

I just wanted to live, so I didn't fight him.  I figured out pretty quick what got him happy and what didn't and most of the time I could keep him happy, so he didn't take his anger out on me.

I'd been with him for six weeks and I fell in love with him and I told him this.  He told me that I should have never fallen for a guy like him, but he was more than willing to accept my love and I gave it to him willingly.

The night I told him this, he had a big mission for his family and the way he made it sound, he wouldn't be coming back alive.  He showed me my away bag and I lost it and I knew for sure he wasn't coming back to me because when he walked out the door, he told me he loved me."

Luciano & Lorenzo (A Sequel to Bella Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now