Chapter 23

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Luciano could make out words being said and he was seeing lights between blinks but when he was able to focus, he could see his mom, dad, Lorenzo and Milan but what tugged at his heart the most was seeing a sleeping Shea, her head resting on his hand.

He watched his mom get up and come around to the unoccupied side of his bed, lean over and kiss both cheeks, her eyes glistening with happiness.

"Welcome back mi figlio" she said softly, then he was joined by his father and sister. Vincenzo was not as open with his emotion but Luciano could definitely tell that he was affected by what had happened.

Milan looked like she had been crying for days and he felt so bad for her having to go through this at her young age. He'd always felt very protective of her from the moment she was born and the first time he held her.

"I'm okay sis" he croaked, his voice hoarse and dry, needing water. His mother picked up on this as he watched her pour a cup of water with a straw.

Placing the straw between his lips, he drank the cool water gratefully and when he was done, his eyes flicked to his brother who was standing in the corner, hands in his pocket.

When his family stepped out of the way, Lorenzo stepped forward while Luciano raised his hand for his brother to grip it, unspoken words, like so many other times before, went between them.

Looking over at Shea and then back at Lorenzo, he asked "How long has she been like this?" "Since they discharged her yesterday. She came straight from her room, changed clothes and she's not left your side."

Luciano looked confused. Had something happened to Shea? Lorenzo answered his question. "She was hit by the same bullet that hit you, except it sliced through her side, a flesh wound. She took ten staples."

"Fanculo" Luciano cursed, rubbing his face with the hand that didn't have an IV in it. "She needs to be in bed, at home. Not here" he said vehemently.

Lorenzo scoffed. "Yeah you try telling her that. Besides I made sure she slept on the sofa" he said pointing to the other side of the room. "It folds out into a bed of sorts."

"Do you remember anything at all, brother?" Lorenzo asked. "Very little. I just remember seeing Shea's face when I got shot and I remember hearing talking but I couldn't make out who it was or what they said" Luciano answered.

"Man the doctor came out and told us, well he said, merda this is hard" Lorenzo tried stumbling out. "You died and God almighty Shea freaked out. She ran into where you were laying and threw herself over you.

They hadn't even disconnected the machines yet and all of a sudden they started beeping and you had a pulse, I don't know but I've never seen anything like it before."

Luciano just stared over at the beautiful woman at his side and he couldn't imagine what she had gone through in the last day or so.

Luciano looked up at his brother, their thoughts passing between them, when Lorenzo nodded and said they'd be back soon.

When his family left the room, Luciano moved his hand out from under Shea's cheek, placing it on her head, his fingers caressing her soft hair.

Watching her stir, made his heart quicken because now he knew how she really felt about him, he had heard a voice pulling him from the darkness, saying I love you and he knew it was her.

"Shea" he said softly. "Baby" his hand stroking her hair as she stirred, her eyes blinking slowly, becoming acclimated to her surroundings.

When she lifted her head, her hand flew to her mouth as a little gasp escaped from her lips.

"Oh my God" Shea whispered as she jumped to her feet, hugging the man in front of her.

"Luciano!" She cried as she kissed his cheek and the side of his neck.  "I love you, you know?  I'm so sorry that it took so long for me to tell you, but there will never be another day to go by where you won't hear it" she said.

"Come here baby" he said, wrapping his free arm around her neck, holding her to him while she sobbed quietly.

"You died Luciano.  The doctor said you were dead but I just couldn't accept it, there was no way I was letting you go, I couldn't until I told you and Lorenzo how I feel.  There's more but I don't want to talk about it here, later at home, when it's just the three of us" Shea told him.

"Okay fiore. We'll talk later, at home. But now, I need to know that you are okay. I heard that you were hurt. You should be at home, in bed" Luciano said, placing a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm fine, just a little sore, but I have pain pills, which I only take when I have to, but other than that, I'm okay. And to be honest, I'm ready to go home, with you and Lorenzo.

I want to feel your skin on mine, when we're laying in bed. I just need to know that you are there because I just don't think I can go through losing someone again." Shea couldn't stop some of the tears that were falling.

"Can you call mi famiglia back in here? And Shea?" She turned to look at him. "I love you too." The smile she gave him made his stomach lurch.

Once his family was back in the room, Lorenzo on one side and Shea on the other, he asked his father what the status was from the situation.

"Your brother and I took care of the situation and it led to the apprehension of another person of interest and we are putting him on ice until you can see to him personally."

"When will I be getting out of here?" Luciano asked.  "The doctor is saying a couple of days, three tops and you can come home" Calli told her son.

"Now that you are awake, we are going to get home.  You, your brother and Shea need some time alone.  We will be back in the morning, okay?"  Vincenzo kissed both his sons and then kissed and hugged Shea.

After their family left, Luciano looked at both of them and said "Let's talk."

Luciano & Lorenzo (A Sequel to Bella Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now