Chapter 6

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Writer's block,

Adriana's POV----

"I came here a long, long time ago." He says. "I was the first, the original, Lost Boy. I used to live in England too, like you. But I ran away, away from my hateful stepfather. Both my real parents were dead, killed by pneumonia. I stowed away on a sailor's ship, but the ship was sunk by the mermaids. I was the only one that survived, but only barely. Once i set foot on this island, I never grew a day. Soon, the island drew other boys in, but it was a slow process, and I was often alone. The island seemed to take careful precautions to ensure my survival." I just listened, riveted to his backstory. Finally, I was learning about his past.

"But then I found a way to seperate myself from my shadow. My shadow brought children that were lost, sick of their lives, and brought them here. Never, in my entire time on this island, has my shadow ever brought a girl."

Peter turns to me, his intense green eyes riveted to mine. "Until you." My eyes widen. "I believe that my shadow brought you here for a reason." Peter says. "And what would that be?" I ask, holding my breath, and hoping, hoping, for an answer. Peter holds my gaze a moment longer, but them turns away. "I'm not sure yet."

I feel slightly disappointed, but why, I don't know. I just nod, and look back up at the sinking sun.

I was expecting a somewhat awkward silence after, but Peter surprised me by talking only a moment after. "How would you like to be a Lost Girl?"
I thought for a moment, then asked, "Any requirements I should know of?" Peter nodded. "Yes, well, first, you must be lost, of course." He said, smirking. I nodded "Obviously."
"Second, you must pass a series of tests...." I raised an eyebrow. "Which are?" Peter grinned. "That's for the boys and me to decide." He says, smirking.
I roll my eyes, and sigh. "Fine. Anything else?" Peter nodded. "The last is the most important. You must never, ever, break the Lost Pact." He said.

I cocked my head to the right. "What's the Lost Pact?" Peter grinned. "Well, basically, it's a pact to watch the other Lost Children's backs, stick with us, and loyalty to me, stuff like that." He said, waving his hand dismissively.

I thought for another moment, then nodded. "When will we start the tests?" I ask, making quotation marks around 'tests'.

Peter smiles, and sends shivers through me. "Tomorrow."


Sorry if this chapter was a tad bit boring! Anyway, I found it necessary to include a bit of Peter's history.

Anyway, I think that the next chapter will be more exciting...

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