Chapter 63: Babies and marriage?!

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Chapter 63: Babies and marriage?!

Their pack members were nice. I mean they are people, some you like more than others. But they seem to be getting along well. I might have been a little jealous at one point seeing them all united and all that from being a werewolf. I had no close family, and what friends would I have? The girl who barely were allowed to say whatever she felt like. And they have a loving mom and dad and loads of friends, or pack members, which is really just an extension of your family.

This girl Amanda seemed very nice, she was a mate to one of the fighters, I didn't really talk to him though. But Amanda seemed like she really wanted to be friends with me, while I on the other hand is so bad at making friends. I have no idea how to interact with others to say it bluntly. I might have been by myself for too long and made this entire 'I can handle the world myself' thing work for me.

These are simply too nice for me. Wouldn't be surprised if Amanda tells me she wants a sleepover or do my nails or something. And honestly, I might like that, buuuuut on the other hand that is just too nice for my liking... this is getting out of hand.

What I am trying to say is, that I am not a good girl. Not like a little princess at least. I mean come on... after everything I have put this entire pack through how can anyone see me as one. It is a wonder to me that my mates haven't given up on me yet. They see something in me, or their beast does. Ironic how they are the monsters and I am the one causing trouble – talk about reverse roles.

Zak was not afraid to show how much he enjoyed watching me getting along with a packmember of his. Between their shifts and laps around the forest he would sneak a peek our way and without doubt listening in on our conversation. I was telling Amanda about my mates that we are back together and talking about what we have done – she asked!! To my offence, and Zak broke out grinning at that specific time our bathroom encounter came up – he heard.

Amanda was a good girl. Trina is a bad girl. Not that I had nay doubts, but not one single of the packmembers have told me otherwise. And it seems Amanda is more fit for me to talk to – according to others. The triplets, Zeth, Mike and Jake came over with sandwiches for me and I offered one to Amanda listening to how amazing her mate is.

He is soooon perfect... shoot me. And they are engaged and expecting a baby boy who will be a fighter just like his daddy and bla bla bla...

It never really hit me that all this playing around and causing trouble will have to end and we will settle down, they must want babies and commitments through marriage and Amanda is not much older than me, I hardly believe she is more than a year older than me, maybe she is even younger.

I will carry their baby, that is expected of me. I never really thought it this far..... I have to give birth maybe 10 times... what if they want a baby each. Oh my.

"Miley are you okay?" Amanda asked concerned. Zak stopped halfway through his run and ran to us as fast as he could and stood in front of me. "What's wrong" he panted exhausted from training with the pack. I tried smiling up at him, this is silly. It's a baby, why are you surprised? Just a pup growing inside of you, what if it shifts inside of me???

I shook that crazy thought out of my head, at least I tried to. "All good, just go again, we are just talking" I tried reassuring him. "About what?" he looked at Amanda for answers, "mates" she said blushing a little. Such a lovesick puppy. Is that how I am supposed to be, like her? Having that look in her eyes all the time and talking about her mate as if he is Adonis walking on earth?

My ability to be a mate and even Luna is being questioned. By myself...


Their dad, the ever so lovely Mr. Black AKA father in law in werewolf community. Found a lot of knowledge about the stone and octo-something. Does it really matter what his name is? He is gone!

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