Chapter 35: Caught

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Chapter 35: Caught

"I- I-..." I stuttered but no more came out. As if the event didn't matter anymore they all gave me their full attention. They looked at me with wide eyes and shock written all over their faces.

I can't really say 'oh yea, I was just referring to the unseen force that held you down, which by the way is a ghost who does some... things', thinking about it, it is pretty weird actually.

"Nothing" it came out too rushed to sound truthfully. I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly and avoided looking at them. "Miley?" Tristan asked in a demanding voice "Where have you heard that name?" he asked all serious.

His eyes turned black and he approached me with long heavy steps like a wolf going for its prey. Get it, he is a wolf and I am... never mind, I am so dead anyway.

I walked backwards making distance between us. My back hit the wall and I looked up seeing my predator mates looking at me with anger. Their eyes were completely black, and their breathing was deep and fast not to mention loud.

I panicked, my breathing hitched and my heart beat like crazy. Without hesitation I ran past them and out of the room.

I could hear growling from the room as I kept running, I just ran, I did not really pay attention to where I was running. As I passed a corner I slammed into something hard and fell on my butt. The air blew between my legs making me look down. The shirt was moved up and I wasn't wearing any underwear, I was almost naked, exposed.

A growl made me look up. A man probably the age of Damon and Zak or so looked at me with these black eyes I know so well.

He smirked hungrily and his eyes locked to my visible parts, awkwardly I tried to cover up with Zak's shirt. "What is a beautiful girl like you doing up at this time?" he asked in a scary voice startling towards me with broad steps.

I crawled back as I awkwardly tried to get on my feet and run for it, but I stumbled down each time I tried.

A roar from behind me made me loose balance and make complete contact with the floor. A hairy man jumped over me and onto the man in front of me. They growled at each other and fought like it was life or death.

I got on my legs and leaned on the wall afraid of running or doing anything out of instinct. Two other men approached, I have seen them before at the party.

The hairy man hovered above the bloody man underneath him. Slowly he turned his head my way. It couldn't be... Their dad.

Mr. Black stood up and watched me carefully as the two other men grabbed the bloody body and carried him away.

Mr. Black walked my way and stopped in front of me "come with me" he said and grabbed my arm before I could even answer and dragged me with him.

He led me into the room I took the necklace from. He closed the door and locked it behind him. "Why are you locking it?" I stuttered confused as I saw the hairy man turn into the human figure I know him as.

He did not answer instead he walked towards his desk calmly and sat down on the chair. His hand began to tap on the drawer the book is still in. "Welcome to my office" he blurted with more pressure on the my-part, "you like it?" he asked giving me a hard glare.

I nodded unsure of why he asked the weird questions. He stood up from the chair abruptly and walked towards the picture with the howling wolf where the hidden safe box was hidden behind. "This is one of the most important things in here, mostly because it is hiding something very precious behind it.

Did he know? Know he can't... he glared at me and I swear his eyes was capable of killing me then and there. "But you already know this, don't you" he asked angry and slammed the picture down onto the floor.

I jumped from the loud noise it made and stared at the pissed man in front of me. "I have been hiding this for centuries, this picture held so many secrets behind it and no one have ever been capable of finding this very spot..." he turned towards the metal box and let a hand run down.

"And then you, some unimportant human girl shows up" Their dad spoke , Maxi turned up and glared at the old man with killing glares and hissed angrily. "And walks into my office and opens it like she has been searching it for years" he continued.

He turned to face me "who are you and who do you work for?" he asked all serious.

How did he know, like he was reading my mind he pointed at a camera at the corner of the room. He saw me, the entire time he was watching me. No wonder he does not like me. "I swear I wasn't..." I started but was interrupted by a mad man hitting his fist down in the table.

"How did you make them believe you were their mate! I will make sure you will never ever be this packs Luna, my sons will realize your true intentions soon and trust me they have their dads temper, maybe even worse" he threatened me.

"I did not do it! or I did but I..." I started, only to be interrupted again "you aren't even denying it" he shook his head disappointing at me.

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