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Since I could remember I knew I was different from everyone around me, but I didn't know why. It wasn't till I was a little older that I understood why I was different, my best friend and I have been almost inseparable and our mothers had their hands full with us. Almost everything thing a little kid can get themselves into we did it. As time passed by my feelings for my friend didn't change, in actuality it morphed into something that would scare the living crap out of me, but for some unknown reason I was afraid to act upon it.

With each year that passed by I was afraid to tell him how I feel about him, that I love him more than just a friend. My biggest fear is that he would be either mad, disgusted or hate me, NO, I would rather keep feelings for myself and keep him as a friend rather than tell him how I feel.

Each time I see him with some girl that is a friend or a boy for that matter I would get this sharp jab in my heart and I would choke up and not talk to them, I would rather walk away than stay and see that they would eventually take him from me. Little did I know that he felt the same way about me, we were just too afraid to talk to each other about our feelings.

Well, here is out story.

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