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5 Years Later

It was weird, after all of this time we never really got the time to sit down and get everything off our chests.  I know that half of this is still eating at Zac and sort on me too, but I have to be strong fro him, I have to show him that I can stand on my own feet.  With Zac hopping from place to place it was difficult, I tried to stay on Earth with my family, Cathy and Ares married shortly after the war, he adopted her child as his own and taught her well.  If I can only get Zac in one place that we can get married, but no he says that he NEEDS to go and do what he does.  It still feel like I am 16 again, that he is breaking my heart again.  

I was just getting ready to go visit my parents, when I opened the door to find Zac there in a tux and with a single Red Rose.  I looked at him and just walked past him, I saw that he was not understanding this.  "You did get the message I sent right?"           "Yeah I did, but you never said when.  And besides, I need to go to my parents, I need to go help with something."         "You can't go, I sent the message to your mother so that she would get you to come out of the apartment.  I need to say something to you."         "Then say it, don't just stand there.  Zac, I am not trying to be mean or anything, but you have to understand with you always down there and it seems that you never have time for me anymore.  I know that Hades wants you to take over, but I need some time with you first.  I need time with my man."  I turned around and walked back into the apartment, not knowing that I have tears running down my face.  Zac pulled me into him and wiped my face.  "I am really sorry love, I didn't mean to stay away for so long.   I needed to do all of my training and well Hades can be a real ass.  He pushed me hard enough to make sure I will be able to handle everything, and I did.  My love, I am now in charge of the Underworld."   Was I supposed to be impressed?   I know that he was to take over, but not this quick.  Which means that I will see him even less.  How am I supposed to handle all of this.

"I know that you may be mad about this, but please listen to me.  I will make all of the arrangements for the wedding and everything, I just want you to be with me down there.  I will do anything to have you back in my life, please Kaine, come back to me."     How can I turn down something like that.  "I don't know Zac, how do I know that if I do you will have time for me then?"      "I will make time, I know that this has taken a toll on you, and that your heart can't take this, but I promise that I will make time for you."  Okay, I know that he means well, but I am still afraid.     As I stood there undecided on what to do I felt Hades in the room.  "Hades if you came down here to spy you can go back, I know what to do."        "I am not here for you Zac, I am here for Kaine, it seems that he will need it.  Son, how do you really feel about Zac?"   How do I feel?       "I loved Zac since we were young.  I have felt heartbroken each time we would go and be with other people, girls and boys.  It felt like he never allowed me to have friends, that he was afraid that I would leave him.  He didn't want me to have a boyfriend, also because he was afraid that I would completely forget to spend time with him.  While in truth, he was the one who left me behind, he was the one who broke me.   I always tried to show that I was fine, and that it didn't bother me but it did.  When I was alone I would cry and let it all out, my parents never really cared but as I grew up they started to notice things, and when they did, they pulled me out of the school and placed me in that Private school, and that was when Zac was taken the first time, neither of us knew at the time because I didn't talk to him.  My heart had always and will always belong to Zac, no matter what.  And that is why I don't want this, I don't want us to end up like you and Persephone did, me hating Zac."           "Don't you see Kaine, that is why you never will, you love him to much to hate him.  He knows and he understands what he did wrong, and he working on things to make it better.   Kaine if you marry him like he wants, he is tied to you forever, and if he steps out of line, you can always leave, trust me that will work."       "How, I have a feeling that something will change."         "For the better Kaine.  Just go with it."   With those words from Hades he left again and I stood there thinking about things.  I tried to see what Zac had to say but he was not there.  I listened and heard a faint voice and it was Zac on the phone with someone, but when he saw me he turned around.  How am I supposed to love him if he keeps doing this to me.  I walked back to the living room and just sat down on the bench thinking about everything, there has to be a way for him to understand that I will NOT BE SECOND in his life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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