Chapter 11

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As we laid in bed I was wondering if it is really the best way to just tell him, if I should really tell him what had happened in the time that he was away. I really wonder if it is now the best time to actually tell him.

"What is causing that frown on your face this early in the morning love?" I looked up and saw that Zac is looking right in my face. I am trying to hide this from him but I know that he will find out sooner or later. I can't tell him, there is no way that I can really tell him. "I know that you really want to tell him, but that is not going to end up good if you do that. You must give me some time to finish what needs to be done, if you give me about 3 more days then all will be fine and you can tell Zac what you need to do. I am not sure if he will understand all of this, and I think that he will be either be angry or upset about all of this." "Kaine,.............Kaine, wake up baby." "Huh, what is going on?" When I said that I looked at Zac and what I saw on his face is not something that I really want to. He looked mad for some reason and I do not know as to why. "Seriously Kaine, are you going to play that card with me?" I just kept looking at Zac, not knowing what he means by that. "What are you talking about Zac?" "Seriously? What has happened in the time that I was away? What caused you to be like this? I mean I wasn't gone for that long was I?" "Zac, you were gone for almost 5 months. No one knew where you were or even what happened with you. All I do remember is that I went to the last place I knew where you were, and when I got there I found your spirit looking all over the place. I saw that you wanted to talk to me and when I tried you just disappeared. Charon said that he tracked you down to the same place I was, but when he got there he couldn't sense your spirit anymore, and he also said that he found me on the floor crying my eyes out. He said that he has never seen me like that, and he just took me here, he said that Hades will know what to do and that he really needed to get back to your mother. For almost the entire time that you were gone, the Underworld was at a standstill. No one knew what to do, it was really like a ghost town here. The minute that Charon knew where you were, the people here started to live again. You really have no idea as to how much you mean to this place love." With those words I stood up from the bed and left the room, because right now if I stay any longer I will do or say something that I will really regret later on.

I stayed away from Zac for almost the entire day, not knowing in what mood he was after I left I just decided to stay away from his wing of the palace. I went to the garden that Persephone had on the outside and I was surprised to see her actually sitting there with a tea tray waiting. I wanted to turn back, but at the last possible moment she saw me and waved me to come closer to her. "Come Kaine, let us have some tea and try to come to terms that Zac is with us again." I was hesitant to get any closer to her, but with the smile she gave me I knew that it was safe for me to get close to her. "I am sorry if I seem hesitant, but I am not sure where I am standing right now. It seems that I am at a cross road, I do not know which way to go. It seems that Zac understands me more that I think, and it was as if he saw right through me when we were still in the room. I am afraid that if I stayed any longer in the room with him I may have said or done something that I really shouldn't have. And I also heard her voice again, she warned me that I should wait until I tell Zac what needs to be said."     I know that I am just complaining and that I sound pathetic right now.    "There is no reason for you to be worried Kaine, I will talk to her again and tell her that she needs to stay out of this. Whatever is going on between you and Zac is your problem, and you know that I will always be here for both of you. Now, it is time for tea and after that your parents are here to see you, they were very adamant that they needed to talk to you. I had asked them why do they need to see you here now, and why they do not wait until next week, they just told me not to meddle in their affaris." "I am sorry, I will talk to them, I will see what I can do to make them understand what is really going on here. They need to know that I will no longer stay with them, I am needed here where Zac will be. And to be honest, I will talk to Zac weather or not what she said to me. She is not going to tell me what to do, I know that she allowed my parents to have a child, but she will not think I will be one of those people who will just follow her around like a zombie."       "Hahahaha, now that is something that I would really love to see, but back on topic. Yes the things between you and Zac will be unfolded as it should, do not worry about it. As for how he will react I do not know love, that is something that you have to trust in yourself. You see, both of you are more connected than what you may think. I have also asked that Acantha join us, but she said that things between her and her husband are not going to well. She did say however that she has some great news to tell you, she will be visiting you shortly." I just nodded my head at her knowing that she will never tell me a lie.

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