Chapter 13

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The minute that Charon took us away I was very unsettled for some reason. Something bad is going to happen back in the Underworld, and I have no idea why, all I know is that is going to be bad. Why did Zac have to send me away? Doesn't he know that I am more of value to him there than back here in the human world? "Kaine, son, we are here." "Huh, oh sorry Charon, it is just that I have a bad feeling about something. And that is that something bad is going to happen down in the Underworld. I have a feeling that I have to be there too. I need to be with Zac." "I know son, but for our own safety he asked even me to stay away from the Underworld. He tasked someone who can take care of my boat while I have to be here." "I am more worried about him than anything else. I have a feeling that things are going to get bad with what SHE wants to do. I know that Zac will kill her, and I am not sure what Zeus will say about that. All I do know is that if something will happen to her the whole Olympus will probably crumble." "Not really, Zeus will just be upset but he will get over it. It isn't the first time that she has pulled a stunt like this, he has reprimanded her more and more but each time she just lays down the charm on him and he allows her to go on. I think this time she won't get away. For once Zeus has opened his eyes and saw what she has been doing and I know that Zac won't let either of them get away with that. For his own peace of mind Kaine, please don't go back down there, he will kill me if anything happens with you." "Okay I will stay away. Or at least try to." "No Kaine, you need to stay here. If I have to put a spell on you to keep you here in the human world I will do that. Both of us need to know that you are safe here. Once everything settles down between Zac and his family he will send word for you and you can be with him." With those words Charon teleported me to my parent's house, once I opened my eyes they were standing there, and they were not happy.

"So, is this the time to get back here?" "Where were you anyway?" Oh really, they are going to be like that? Then I will enlighten them. Wait.......... I know that I saw them in the Underworld, so why are they acting like this? "Okay, why are you so worried about me anyway? It is not like you ever were. So why now?" As I said that it seemed that they really didn't know what I was talking about, they had a sort of a blank stare in their eyes and I have never seen that look on them. It must have been either Hades who done it or Charon, because I don't really know who else can do something like that..............Wait, it's her, her magic is here, very low, almost gone. "Why Aca, why do this? What happened to make you like this?" I sensed her close to me, but I was just too afraid to turn around and see how he had turned her against us. "Oh nothing really, I have always been like this. It is just taking you this long to realize it now?" "No Cathy, it is not you, you would never mind wipe a person, it's against what you do. You always used your magic for good, never evil. It must have been your husband, because since the last time we saw him both me and Zac sensed that he has a dark side to him. And what we found out about him is that he killed his own mother to get her power, just so that he could find you to get your power. Wake up Cathy, you need to see what is happening." I took a huge gulp of air turned around to not just see her but Laughlin with her. I really wish that Zac was here now, he would know what to do. My powers haven't fully woken up yet and it won't for a few more weeks. "I would leave if I were you brother-in-law. You see, I found a letter not that long ago from our sister, and what she said shocked me. You need to leave now, before I unleash my powers, and from where I am standing you will not like the consequences if that were to happen. You see even if I am away from my love, we are connected in a way that I can see when he is in trouble or even afraid. You need to release our sister before I will make that connection lost. You see, I also found out that you had a hand in it to kidnap me the first time, then again the second, my dear cousin Ares told me everything. He loved his life a little more than going to war against me, even if he is the God of war. You see when Zeus found out he told my dad which is Hades, and then they decided to track you down and hopefully you will lead us to Acantha. But it seemed that you took the bait and brought her here to me. Thank you for that. I will take over for now."       After those words the voice of Zac went quiet and Acantha disappeared from my sight but I sensed that she was with Zac in the Underworld, and I know that she is safe for now. I just hope that he can break the spell that what that husband of hers put on her. I mean I want my sister back. For those few minutes that she was here I felt at peace, calm and I knew that she will be the person who will stop this thing between Zac and Aphrodite. I am just afraid that if she can't there will be a war, and I have no idea as to who Ares will side.

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