Chapter 7

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Kiane's POV

After the bath he made for me, I knew that I fell even more in love with him. There is just something about all of this that makes it more special for me. He gently bathed me and helped me relax more, if he keeps stroking my arms like this I am going to fall asleep here in the water. I, I think that I have to tell him, otherwise if I don't he would think that I don't really love him. Oh God, what have I done...................I knew I wanted to wait till I was a bit older but with the way he put that ring on my finger I just couldn't help myself. "I know what you did baby boy, and to say I am not happy about it is an understatement. How could you, you were my best creation. You are a part of me and when that happened I felt a bit of me die." "I am truly sorry Aphrodite, but you cannot control me. I am the sole owner of my heart and my body, yes I am part of you but still you were not the one who gave birth to me, so therefore you cannot tell me what to do". I shut the link with that Blond haired Goddess because who the hell was she to tell me what to do. When I went to say something to Zac, I couldn't, first I thought that maybe I was just to shocked to talk to him, but then I realized I really couldn't talk.

"My love, are you alright?" "Kaine, what's wrong?" "Baby, calm down, please calm down and tell me what is running through that head of yours?" "Are you upset about what we did? Do you regret that we did it?" "God dammit Kaine, will you answer me?" and with that last question a slap to my face, is what brought me out of this stupor that I had been in. I know that Zac would never physically hurt or abuse me, but I really think that I needed that slap. I mean I was frozen in his embrace while he was trying to ask me something. "Kaine, baby please talk to me, you are scaring me right now. Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you to much? Have I done something that I really shouldn't have?" Yet still I sat there in the bath with Zac fussing over me, I knew that I should answer him but I can't. He waited a few more minutes before he stood out of the bath, grabbed a towel for both of us and pulled me out of the bath. He started to dry me off, yet he was very gentle with me as if I was about to break. He didn't know what was happening to me and to be honest neither was I, all I knew what after I heard from HER I was like this, I could do the basic functions but I can't even speak. I can't say to Zac what he needs to hear, and I know he wants to hear me say those words. I don't know how long I was like this, like this zombie thing that was walking around the room. I know that I was worrying him more when I just collapsed to the floor, I mean I felt it and I know that there will be bruise soon enough. "Oh God, Kaine, can you hear me baby, please let me know that you are alright. What happened love, please just let me know." I just stared up at him with wide green eyes that started to well up with tears, somehow he got us both up off the floor and to the bed. After he covered me up he went to his phone to call someone, who it was I have no idea. A few minutes later he walked back in with Charon behind him, frowning at both of them I tried to open my mouth to say something, and that is when it clicked, she took away my voice . Charon took one look at me and he seemed to know what is wrong with me.

"Son, she took away his voice for what he did, this is his punishment because he gave something to you before consulting her." "WHAT????" "You have to understand something about that weird sister of mine, when she wants to do something, she does it without caring about anyone else. I will talk to her, explain to her the situation between you two, yes both of you could have waited a bit but what's done is done. As long as you love him with more than just your heart I won't really care. I can see your aura's have changed too, they are now combined but I won't tell you what they are, I will let you figure that out for yourself. Zac, I have taught you how to look more clearly but I see that you haven't done it in a while, otherwise you would have seen that your sister's supposedly fiancé is not who he says he is. I didn't need to see that but I felt it because I felt both of your unease about the whole situation. Now, I will go and talk to that little sister or mine, keep him calm and make sure he will have something to drink once his voice comes back." With those words Charon shimmered out of the room to go talk to THAT woman.

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