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Zagreus's POV

This is going to sound strange, but what is going to happen here right now is just some thoughts that are running through my mind. Sure a few years are being skipped but know this, it is done so with good reason. Sure you all thought that this is going to be one long drawn out life story, think again.

Kaine has always been with me no matter what, our mothers were sorority sisters while they were in University. You see my mom is the best in the whole world, and her name, well her name is Camille. She is most beautiful woman in the whole world for me except my boyfriend Kaine. Our mothers went on to become best friends my mom went to her best friend's wedding, so when my mom went into labour with me she was there to help out. Let's just say that it wasn't' easy for my mom but we both pulled through it all right. Three years later Kaine's mom went into labour and my mom was there to help and even I was allowed to go, because my aunt was holding my best friend, so why not right?? When my mom got the call that her best friend went into labor very early in the morning she woke me up, dressed me and took me to the car, I was very confused as to why she would do that, I mean I was still asleep and still want to sleep. But all she said is that I would meet Kaine very soon and I couldn't wait, it was as if there was bubbles going off inside of me. I mean I have never met him before but I know that he will be the best friend I know he will be. When we finally got the hospital we had to wait and it took an eternity for us to finally see him.

The moment I saw him after he was born I was infatuated with him I just knew that he was it for me, I can't describe the feeling all I knew was he was mine and no one else's. I wanted to hold him, but the nurses took him away I looked at my mom and she saw the tears threatening to fall. "Baby, it is alright, they will bring him back. He is just being cleaned up, weighed and measured." I looked up at my aunt and she just nodded her head at me so that put a smile on my face. After an eternity of waiting someone brought him back into the room placing him in his mother's arms, he was screaming and crying so loud it was rather annoying to me, but that is going to be my best friend so I tried not to get annoyed with him. When he opened his eyes and stared at me I couldn't look away from him, his eyes were the most amazing emerald green colour I have ever seen, with just a small glint of a jade in there. When our mothers saw me staring at him they knew we were destined to be together but kept quiet about it. My mom was scared about something because when I looked over at her she was staring at me. "Would you like to hold him Zac?" I turned to my aunt to stare at her and then Kaine, but I didn't want to touch him, it was as if something was keeping him away from me. I just shook my head and I got off the bed I walked out of the room. What was keeping him from me, what was the cause. I could hear Kaine cry since I left the room, but I couldn't go back not until have a reason as to why. As I waited outside I felt a presences around me when I looked up I saw someone who look exactly like me, or should I say I looked like that person. "Hey son, why are you out here, did you get separated from your mother?" I shook my head at the man, I mean I looked at him and I saw my own eyes a strange shade of copper and his hair looked like chocolate. Who was this man and why did I look like him.

"Zac where are you honey, your aunt wants you to hold your friend...................What are you doing here?" I whipped my head around to look at my mother, why was she acting like this, she never done it before, why now? "Mommy, I want to go home." "We'll go soon baby, why don't you stay with Kaine and aunty Eirin?" "Yes mommy." I got up and walked back into the room giving the man one more look before the door closed. I stood there and listened to what she had to say about that man. "Hades, you and promised me that you will never show up before his 21st birthday, why now?  You know that I am thankful that you saved me and all, but you showing up now is just going to cause confusion to him, I told him his dad passed away before he was born. The day he was born was very difficult for me, he stopped breathing and I almost died, I mean even Charon showed up. What was I supposed to do? Nobody knew he was there, but I could feel Charon wanting to take both of us, I pleaded with him not too. He told me that on his 21st he will be back to take both of us where we rightfully belong. You know that he made me his wife the minute he kissed me back in your living room in the palace right?" "Yes my dear, I do know that, and I am grateful that he saved both of you this time, but you do not have to worry about it. I was just here to see my niece's son being born." "What do you mean by that?" "I mean that his parents prayed for a son to be as beautiful as Aphrodite herself. And we both know that she doesn't allow anyone to be more beautiful than her, so she gave some of her blood for the mother while she was pregnant. The force that kept my son away from hers is because of that. But Persephone went to her and explained it, so the dropped the veil over him." "And for that I am grateful Hades, but still that doesn't explain as to why Charon was here." "I talked to him and he explained why he was here, he said that he heard a babies cry that evening and it haunted him and he heard that your heartbeat was getting weaker by the second so he needed to see for himself. He told me about the deal, but he will not harm him. He said that he will bring the child to me. He needs to know who his biological father is." "Yes I understand that but what about Persephone? She is halfway part his mother as well as I?" "I know my dear, we are so thankful that you carried him for us and you will be rewarded for that, you do remember the deal we all made when you were still living with us in the underworld don't you?" I didn't hear my mom's answer because Kaine started crying again and I walked towards my aunt and my best friend. The nurse picked me up and placed me on the bed near my aunt and best friend. I was so nervous to touch him but when I did it was like electricity running through me, I gasped and looked around but no one saw or even heard me. "Don't be worried about touching him, you will find out soon enough little one. Can't wait to meet you my little one" I looked around again but I saw no one, except a small shimmer of nature colours before it disappeared. Can it be really her????? I thought she was a myth my grandmother told me at bed time. "Aunt Rin, a lady was here, but she had colours of all 4 seasons, who is she?" Aunt Rin looked at me, she held Kaine to her closer and tried not to shake her head. "Zac, she is Persephone, she is Hades's wife, she rules the underworld with him, but she spends more time above ground than below. Why do you ask about her Zac?" I looked around to see if I can still see her but she wasn't there anymore. I looked back at Kaine and I knew that he knows who I am, but how can it be, I mean I don't even who I really am. All I know is that that man outside this room has all the answers I need.

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