Chapter 8

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Zac's POV

When I finally found out that Kaine was no longer in the apartment, I kinda freaked out, I mean, where did he go to? Who is he with? What caused him to leave so suddenly? Even more questions was running through my mind, and yet I had no answers for any of those. Nothing I did was good enough, I mean I have walked the entire area around the apartment blocks and I have found no trace of Kaine. How could he just have vanished just like that?? I even found a few things that didn't make any sense to me, I found his duffelbag gone, some of his clothes were gone too and when I checked for his phone I found that that was gone too. What could I have done to cause this??? I mean I did every little thing he ever wait, was it because of her? Is that why he left? Does he not trust me?

"It seems that you finally figured it out. Yes Kaine left, he is here in the Palace with us, but Zac, I will warn you now, you will have a lot of explaining to do to your dad and us. Kaine will not trust you so easily now." "Yes mother, I know, I kinda figured that out, it seems that the moment things get a little heavy for him, he runs to my father." "Zac, do not say that, he is scared because you had an ex over there right after he told you, have you no feeling for what he went through?" "I do mother, but before I could have answered him the doorbell rang, I wanted to ignore it, but I thought that it was the person I sent to get something for me so that I could give it to Kaine, guess I was wrong." I didn't want to tell her that yet, but it seems that no matter what, they will not believe me. If I had only a few more minutes to tell Kaine what I wanted to say, then all of this would not have been necessary, Kaine would have been with me in bed, writhing beneath me, begging me to fuck him harder and faster. Damn, just one night with him and I already know that he will be the one and only for me. That he will be the man I would eventually be marrying. Nothing and no one will take him away form me. I have an idea as to where he is, but now begs the question, will he be willing to talk to me so that I can explain to him what really happened? No I doubt that, but I will just have to make him understand, otherwise I will really loose him and that is not something that I really wanted. I have come to the conclusion that I really can't live without him now. He is the reason as to why I want to get up in the mornings, why I do what I do every single day in my life. If I really can't let him see that, then I really don't know what to do. If he decided to not accept my apology, then I will have to find some other way to make him see that I am really sorry for what I did. I guess I will just have to tell him the reason as to why I went to answer the door. But then again, will he really listen to me? That is just one thing that I really have to take a big chance on. I mean he will be the man I will eventually be marrying in the end, and I do know that no one else will take his place in my heart.

He has to understand that what had happened between me and her was a misunderstanding and that she was truly trying to break us apart and that has happened now. If and when I do see her again I will kill her without a single thought. There is no one who means more to me than Kaine, I mean I would lay down my own life just for him to live. I really do hope that he will understand that. If there is any way for me to at least show him how much he means to me, but for now I am at a loss. I know that he won't accept any gifts from me, making it look that I am trying to buy him off. If I really want him to understand what I want him to say, then I have to do it in a song again, I know that is the only way that he will understand in the end. Okay, so first go down to my fathers palace, then my room, then the music and mood. I just really hope that it will work.





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