Chapter 2

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Kaine's POV

Have you ever had a feeling that you can't understand anything in your life, like no matter what it is?? Well I have that problem now. Let me take you back since I can remember things. And trust me, there are a lot of things to remember.

My best friend is 3 years older than me, he is like so cute and sexy, with his copper like eye colour and his soft chocolate hair colour. I mean come on, who can't love that??? Well see here is the problem, since we were little kids I have had this HUGE crush on him when he saved me from a dog. Here is the first time I think I fell for him, his mom was away for work and he had to stay with us for a while, so I got to see him every day. It was boring without him at home, because he was in school and I wasn't. I remember mom and me went to pick him up from school one afternoon and when he saw me at school he yelled for me. What did I do? I ran to him and clung to him, I didn't want to let him go. I heard my mom say something to him but I wasn't listening, I was just too happy to be in his arms again. We went to a park nearby and he left to talk to some friends of his school, I was upset about it because I wanted all his attention on me, like it should be. I was just sitting on my own when this giant dog thing came out of nowhere and started barking at me. I guess he heard because the next think I knew he was in front of me. His words will always be stuck in my head. "You leave my Prince alone, I will kill you if you go near him" I keep thinking about those words and my heart went even bigger with love for him, then came my reply to him. . "Tank you Zac, you thaved me from that ting." At first I couldn't understand as to why he was so hesitant, because he took some time to answer me. "That's alright Kaine, I will always save you, you know that don't you?" to be honest that was the day I fell for him. I so wanted to talk to someone but I can't I mean hellooooo I am 4 for crying out loud. But that was just some of our childhood memories that will forever be stuck with me. My school life was normal for me, I paid attention in class if I wanted to and then give all my attention on the sport that I wanted to do. My parents thought that I was joking when I told them that I want to do Ice Skating as a sport, my dad nearly had a heart attack and my mother just stood there. I told them I already bought the ice skates they couldn't say no to me. You see if there was one thing that Zac thought me was the pout, and I perfected it over the years and I always get what I want with it. This time I didn't even had to, just told them and they agreed with me.

Zac has always been around me, everywhere I go, he had to be with me. To be honest, I didn't mind at all. The only thing that really bothered me was when he went to high school he started dating girls. It broke my heart each time he would kiss them or even hug them. I didn't think that he remembers me anymore because he doesn't spend so much time with me anymore. The only thing that really bothers me is this; when I am at school and he comes to pick me up, he glares at the other kids, I mean come on why would you do that? It was then that I figured that I must mean something to him. Am I not allowed to have friends of my own, guess to him not so much then. My life is not something I really like to talk about, because I like to keep to myself, sure I have friends and I may talk to them from time to time but the only person who I would really like to talk to at the moment is being such an ass right now.

This is one thing that happened to me while I was around the age of 9-11, I still remember that conversation between my mother and that strange woman, she was very beautiful, but then again not my style. I still have to tell them that I am not normal at all.

"Kaine hunny, me and your dad is going out for a while, do you want Zac to come over and keep you company?" As if "No mom, I have an assignment to finish so I am just going to do that." No answer, hmmmm I don't trust that. "Mom, seriously I will be fine just go." Still nothing. I walked out of my room only to near the living room to find my mom talking to woman I have never seen before. Who is she.................wait it can't be her can it? No it is her. She looked over at me and smiled at me, I just gave her a timid smile before I walked away. Seriously my mother know Aphrodite?? From where, wait I remember that day at the hospital just vaguely. It was as if something told me that my best friend will be a Demigod. How I didn't know, know just begs the question am I as well or am I just a mere mortal? "Aphrodite, please he isn't ready yet, we- we haven't told him yet." "And why not? Surely he is mentally capable to withstand my tests, after all he does have my blood running through his system. He does look like me, except for his eyes. That is the only flaw with him, but I guess for a mortal he will do just fine. Remember your promise Eirin, on his 18th birthday he is to be sent to me, and if you don't do it. Well, let's not go there shall we?" "Please you can't do that, you promised not to take him no matter what, you said if the child would be a girl you would take her, not if child is a boy." "Please, I am the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Sexuality if I want to take the child weather it is a boy or a girl I will do so and there is nothing you can do about it. Now I hope that you will keep your promise to me Eirin or else." Guess that answers my question. So I have the blood of the Goddess of Beauty and Sexuality in me. Hmmmmmm that is interesting to me. Now I just have to find someone to test it out on and I know the perfect person too. But alas he will never do that. I mean he has a girlfriend for crying out loud.

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