Chapter 14

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When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was white, but then it started to fade into something else. I focused my eyes and I saw that it was a hospital room. I heard that irritating beeping form the machine next to me. Why am I here, the last thing I do remember was Kaine running into the throne room with Zac on his heels, I know that they talked and worked everything out, but after that everything is a blur. Wait, is it because that I went into labour and the baby was born without my knowing about it? I moved my hand over my stomach and I sort of sighed in relief because I could still feel the baby kick. Thank goodness, but if it is not because of that, what is the reason that I am in the hospital for?

"Ah, I see that you are awake, I am glad to see that there is no internal permanent damage." When I heard those words I looked to see that a doctor was standing at the end of the bed and he had a kind smile on his face, but I don't trust doctors. "It is actually very strange to see a woman of your age to still have a child and have it grow at a normal rate, there is nothing wrong with that baby that you are carrying." Yeah of course not, because it is a god's child. There would not be anything wrong with it, and even if the baby did had something wrong with it, I would still love it not matter what. "I am glad to hear that, but I am still not sure as to why I am in the hospital. All I know is that if I move around too much it puts a strain on my body." "True, given the fact that you were in a terrible accident. I was told that when I got here your husband was the one who found you and brought you here, he said that you were almost dead, but he kept you alive till he could get you here." "My husband, no he die-" I looked at the doc when I said that and he gave me a weird look. "Oh yeah, sorry I think that I am still a little scattered brained. Yes I think that I do remember him getting to me very quickly, but even that is very muddled for me." I know that this doctor is not so stupid as he appears to be, but I have to be very careful not to let him know what is going on. "Sir, you can't just go in there, the doctor is with her right now. If you only wait a few more minutes then you can go see your wife." "No you don't get it. I have to be with her right now." "It's alright nurse you can let him in, I am done anyway." When the doctor said that I was beyond worried about the findings he would get when everything is done. It only took a few moments for Charon to come into the room, but it was the people with him that took me by surprise. There stood my son, my first born with his lover Kaine. Hades, Persephone and even Ares. I just looked at each of them but then my gaze turned back to Zac, I lifted my hand up to him and he froze. It was as if he didn't know what to do, I saw that Kaine pushed him a bit forward. "Mother, I am so so sorry for what happened." I tilted my head at him, not sure what he meant by that. "Zac, your mothers memory is a bit hazy at the moment, everything will return to her once she is safe and sound back home. I need to go talk to the doctor, you stay with her." "Yes dad." I saw that Zac was still a bit hesitant to go near me. What happened to us to cause him to be like this? "Oh mother, I-I-I" I knew that Zac wanted to say something, but what that was I have no idea. I knew that someone is missing from this group. "Where is Acantha? I mean I haven't seen her in a while. Did something happened between the two of you?" I saw that Zac's face went even paler than it was, something really bad must have happened if he can't answer me. I really want to know but it seemed that they don't want to, and I don't want to force them to do it. "I see, I am sorry for mentioning something." I turned my head away from them, and I kinda felt sad because they didn't even do or say anything. It really hurts me that they don't want to tell me anything. "Mother, why are you crying?" "Huh, what do you mean?" I asked Zac what he means but I saw that he had wiped away a tear from my cheek. "I am sorry for causing you to cry so much. It is just we can't say for now where she is, but just know that she is fine. I have people looking after her, so please just rest for now and once everything is over and done with, you can see her again." The way Zac spoke about her is something that I have never thought he would do, he was so soft spoken. But I know that he would do that, it is just the kind of person that I know that he is.

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