Chapter 6

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AN:  Sorry people, I keep jumping between them sometimes.  It is just because there was a reason for it, but now I don't really remember it

Zac's POV

I hate it, I hate it that she found out the truth so quickly, but then again it would be Acantha in the end if she didn't. I really don't like the looks of Loughlin, he has a really bad vibe to him, but if she can found me out so quickly then I know she can handle him with out any trouble.

Looking down at Kaine I see that he is sad, but about what I can't really say. The minute that they walked away I felt a whole in my heart again. This can't be right, I mean............ wait, it was her, IT WAS CATHY. She was the glue that made sure we were never too sad or to upset about something. And now that I can't even sense her with my powers I feel empty, how can this be??? "Come on Kaine, we must go home, we have to actually explain some things to our parents or in this case our real parents. I have no idea how Hades will take this, and not to mention Charon. He will actually see my aura and know that I have changed and he will know that it was Cathy that was the one who did it." "I know, I don't really want to see them right now, I feel empty, like a part of me is missing, and I don't like that feeling Zac, make it go away." "You know that I can't baby, I would do anything for you, but to fill that emptiness, it is something that I really can't do. It seems that only our sister can do that and I am actually going to believe that. Come on, lets just go back to the-" "To the what Zac? what is going on?" I knew I saw them, they had to be standing there, but how, how could they be here yet, I mean I am not 18. I still have a few months, no they can't have me yet. I still need to have Kaine say those words to me. I know they are in, it's too soon. I can't do that to him, but I need to know. If Charon see me now he will know what my true feelings are for Kaine and then he will tell Hades, I can't have either of my fathers interfere with this.

"It's nothing Kaine, I thought I saw someone. Come on, we need to get back to the apartment. We need to clean it up before someone will see what we have done." "Oh, I thought that we could leave it like that, I mean I kinda liked it." "No Kaine, you and me both know that you are not of legal age to even think about this. Yes I am 18 but you, you my love are still 15 and if either of our parents even think that what we did when we were in the underworld I would be dead. Please Kaine, can you promise me that you can at least a few months, then you would be 16. And if I remember correctly in the underworld if you are 16 then you are of legal age, please my love you know that you are the world to me and what I did to you there I would really try and forget. I know that I hurt you by keeping you down there for so long, but what I felt and still feel will always be that of love. I don't think I can live with out you, you are after all my everything in life." "I know that Zac, but what came over me that night after I summoned Hypnos, all I wanted was you. I craved you in such a way that I can't explain it. To be honest, I still crave it. I am dead scared that what if I can't keep my own thoughts to myself or my hands for that matter I will be jumping you sooner than you may actually like to think about. Please Zac, just this once, will you help me?" I don't know what to answer him, I know that I really want him but can I with stand such a force which is my love? I don't think that I can, he has me wrapped around his fingers and I guess that he knows it. How can I let him down slowly, I really don't think that I can do that. I mean have you looked at him? Just one look at his platinum blond hair, his mesmerizing green eyes, his light pink lips just begged to be kissed, and then his porcelain skin. He screams of innocence, a type of innocence that I would love to destroy. And one more thing about him, his height he is about 1.8 meters (5.90 feet), he just so small compared to me. I mean I don't look bad myself, I mean I am about 1.87 meters in length (6.13 Feet) I have a good amount of muscle on me, my hair is jet black cut short and spiky, I decided I wanted to go for a change, my eyes have also recently changed colour it seems, from a caramel brown to dark hazelnut now, and when I get angry or even upset enough it goes straight to black. What ever happened to me in the underworld for those few hours it changed me completely. But it seems that Kaine seems to like it. It seems that he can't even keep his hands off of my body. The little minx sure knows how to push the right buttons sometimes, and then he really askes for it, pity that I can't just lay into him for all the times that he had me on edge. I mean with his body, I could really wreck it and he would take it in stride. How I don't know, but I do know that once I start with him, he would wish that I never did, because I will never let him go, my father can go to hell for all I know, oh wait, he is already there.

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