Chapter 53

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Hey guys before you read this chapter, could you go follow @dannyforrealz !? She made the covers for all of my works because mine are average. -_- Thanks and enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 53

~ Niall ~

We've got to get out of here.

God only knows how long we've been here and we're all starving.

At least I am.

Nina's already had a breakdown and I'm scared of what will happen to her if we don't get out soon.

"Guys, I have a really crazy idea." I said.

"What could it possibly be?" Louis asked.

"What if we escaped?"

Heads were snapped in my direction as everyone raised their eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"I mean, we can just escape and then run away and tell the police." I said.

"How would we do it?" Louis asked.

"Well I've been thinking, Eleanor has been nice to us lately, right?" I started.

"Mate, I told you she changes her mood quickly." Louis sighed.

"But think, we could grab the set of keys from her pocket to unlock the cell, then once she leaves, we could unlock the door that leads down here and make our way to the exit." I said.

"I think she would know that the keys are gone." Zayn said.

"Well what if they just fell from her pocket?" I suggested.

"How are they going to just fall from her pocket?" Harry asked.

Wow, such positive energy.

"I'm saying, maybe when she's about to leave, one of us could reach through the bars and grab the keys quickly." I explained.

"I think it might work." Louis said.

"Are you crazy," Nina said. "I think Eleanor would know that her keys are missing."

"It's worth a shot." I said.

"And what happens if someone finds us? We get punished harder for trying to escape? We die? Niall we all saw what Nick did to you, we saw what he did to me. Tom has fucking raped me and beat the fuck out of me before. I don't want us to get hurt!" Nina exclaimed.

"Nina, I know it's a lot to take in but you have to trust me on this one. I never want any of us to get hurt but just think about this." I said.

"I'm scared." She admitted.

"I know you are," I said I won't let her know that I was actually nervous too, "But you have to agree with me on this. I'll stop at nothing to keep you safe."


I grinned and then looked at the other boys as they nodded their heads in agreement.

"Okay, Nina do you know where the exit is being as you're the only one who's been upstairs?" I asked.

"I think so. I'm not sure because my vision was blurry but I think we have to turn right then left and there is a door there." She said.

"Are we all in?" I asked putting my hand out.

Hesitation took over everyone but soon there were 5 hands over my own.

"We're in."

Now all we have to do is wait for the plan to unfold.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now