Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

~ Louis ~

"So we just sit here?" Harry asked.

"At the moment, that's all we can do." Liam said.

"We can't try to escape?" He asked.

"Don't you see where that got us last time? It could be worse next time." Zayn said.

"We have to find a way ou-"

"NOOOOO!!" Harry was interrupted by a ear piercing scream.

A scream that sounded all too familiar.

A scream I would know anywhere.


"What the hell was that?" Zayn asked.

"It's Nina." I said.

"No it's not." Harry refused to believe it.

"It is. It sounds like she's right next to us." Liam said.

"STOP!!" More shouts erupted.

Only this time, a males voice was added.

Another voice that was familiar.

"Niall." I managed to choke out.

"Where are they? What's happening to them?" Zayn asked sounding worried.

"It's like they're in the next room." I said.

And then more screams were heard and I followed the sound to the wall.

"Do you guys remember if there is another room next to us?" I asked.

"Yeah, I saw a door." Zayn said.

"They're in there. And I have a feeling I know who else is too." I said.

"Who is it, Louis? Who's in there with them?" Liam asked as the boys joined me at the wall, listening to screams.


~ Nina ~

This is it.

It's happening all over again.

Except this time, Niall's here.

He has to sit through my screams of pain and fear and he can't do anything about it.

I know for a fact that he wants nothing but to keep me safe.

I know it.

And now I bet he thinks this is his fault because he wanted to escape.

But it's not his fault.

He couldn't have prevented this.

No one could've.

Tom was a horrible mess above me and I told Niall not to watch.

His eyes were filled with tears and sorrow and fear.

But most of all, guilt.

I knew he would feel guilty for this.

"It's okay. I'll be your strong princess." I said barley above a whisper.

I squeezed my eyes closed as Tom reached my pants.

I just want to get this done and over with if I can't get out of it.

As my button was popped open, I heard someone barge into the room and I opened my eyes.


The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now