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                    10 years later
    "Serifina!" I hear Tobias yell, chasing our 5 year old daughter around the house. She wreaks havoc in out home, but we love her. She looks just like her father, except she has my eyes.
    "Tris, can you get Charles?" Tobias calls, just as I hear 6 month old Charles start to wail from the nursery. As I make my way over, Natalia steps in front of me.
   "Mom, I'll take care of it." She says. Only 10, but still likes helping out her mother. Natalia looks like me. We could be twins if I was 10. Life is better than ever. Tobias and I have 3 healthy kids and our marriage is stronger than ever.
   "Hey babe." Tobias wraps his arms around my waist. We have a daily ritual. Everyday at 10:46 am, he will wrap his arms around me and say our little mantra.
  "I love you." I say in his ear.
  "Forever." He responds.
   "And ever."
   "And ever and ever and ever."
Life is just a big game of Candor or Dauntless. You choose to tell the truth or do stupid things. Even though it may end badly, there are much worse games to be played.

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