Chapter 4

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"You are crazy."

Sarah said to her friend for the dozenth time in the day.

"I Know, I know" came a cool reply from her 'friend' who sat a few chairs away. Mary glared distastefully at the broccoli and began the stuffing it one side of her plate miserably. "Don't waste food. its an privilege to have food to eat as there are many who don't have enough." Mrs Marrows looked at her plate in disgust. "Yeah,yeah" she said and quickly gobbled up her food and gulped down her water. Her mother sighed as her daughter got up and ran to the wash.

Sarah! Come quick. We have to go to my uncle's room now." she yelled as she quickly ran up the stairs. Sarah wiped her mouth with the napkin and got up. Suddenly someone grabbed her arm. "Mrs Marrows? Is something wrong?" she asked. "You...... its nothing" she shook her head and turned away. "I'll ask you later".

What did she want to ask? she thought as she made her way to Mr. Lanoff's room. Now that I think about it, she's been really silent today......except maybe when she was scolding Mary....

She was pulled out of thoughts as she realized she was at her destination. She opened the door and found Mary near the bed stand. She opened a drawer and took something out. "Do you hate me? for giving your name for the search for him as well.... I know I should have asked you but time was running out...and i couldn't ask any one else." She turned around to face her,the guilt clear on her face. Sarah considered that for a while and finally sighed. "yes I do hate you, with every fiber of my being, in fact. And you really should have asked me. But there's no point in grumbling is there? You gave my name. I have to go with you, no matter what, so let's not really bother about t now shall we? She smiled at Mary who breathed out in relief.

"So, why are we here? Oh! And now that I am part of this, you had better not hide anything from me. Like how you got the FBI to accept two eighteen year olds for the search." Sarah placed a hand on her hip and looked at her accusingly. "Well..... my uncle knew a person within the FBI. I talked to him. Said I would tell him all i knew in exchange for being able to go in. He agreed." Mary responded proudly. "Geez.... you're proud you made a deal with an FBI agent?" she laughed. "He must have a pretty good position to have such power." "He does" Mary responded. "Here take look at this. It's his last letter. Just... when you read it, don't read it aloud", she said as she handed her an envelope. Sarah took out the letter and read it.

To my sweet dear Mary,

How are you? i hope you are great. i know you are not a kid anymore but to me you always a baby. So don't be mad.

I'm doing great here! We've made major progress on our mission. We managed to secure a route into the castle. its in ruins so its a bit dangerous. Nothing to worry about! Your uncle will make it. to satisfy the villagers, i have to go in. We all know there's nothing known as ghosts. but oh well! A scope is a scoop. The people probably just wandered off somewhere. We go in tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. Oh well, see you when i get back.


your uncle

"Did you tell your parents about this?" she asked as she folded the letter and put it back in the torn envelope. "Yeah. They will be coming with us too. To Slovakia, I mean. Not into the castle. We called and informed your parents too. They were not too keen on the idea but they let you come." she said. "Oh" Sarah stared at the roof. There were cobwebs in the corner. Sorry dad.... just as you came too....

"Sarah come on.Mum wants to help us pack."

"I can do my own packing. At home."

" You don't want to upset Mum."


Sarah raised her hands in defeat and walked out of the dusty and old room of Mr Lanoff . she switched off the lights and let the darkness engulf the whole room.


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