Chapter 7

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Hi everyone. This chapter is going to be from Mary's point of view. Hope you enjoy it!!!

Not what she had expected. Definitely not what she had expected.  She stared wide-eyed at Sarah and Miss Cartlite. It was surprising she hadn't seen the similarities. Both had blonde hair. Both had the same 'I-will-handle-any-situation-no-matter-what' aura. Though after years of knowing Sarah she guessed otherwise.

She shifted uncomfortably on her seat. Sarah thankfully seemed to notice her discomfort. The blonde blushed and returned to her seat, her eyes red. Miss Cartlite smiled at her and continued. "As I was saying before, you two as you already know, are here to help us with our Cachtice Castle investigation. Let me run you through the series of events that took place before you placed the call to my boss. Mr Lanoff, your uncle was to keep in contact with us once inside the tower. Well, everything was great for a while, after which connection became weak. We couldn't hear his report, neither could he hear our instructions. After a while, the connections just snapped. We lost all contact with him after that. Then that night, the screams were sounded from the Castle.  My boss didn't want to give up hope so we kept searching for anyone who might go in to find him. That was when you called."

She looked at her with a mixture of gratefulness and sadness. "Why couldn't your boss go in himself? Why find someone else to do it?" Sarah questioned. Miss Cartlite sighed. "He would if he could. But the higher ups wouldn't let him go in. They don't want to lose him." 

Mary placed a hand on Sarah's shoulder. "Deep breath, Sarah. Calm down. He probably is too valuable to this investigation."

"I wonder." She said as she slowly seemed to calm down. "Mary? I was asked to take you two to the FBI HQ for further discussion. We can go when you are ready." Miss Cartlite proceeded to towards the kitchen where she could keep her cup. "Sure, Miss Cartlite." She said nodding. "just call me Amelia or Amy. Miss Cartlite is far  too formal." She laughed and caught hold of the kitchen door frame. 

Suddenly her voice became cold. "Just don't take too long. My boss doesn't like to be kept waiting. Especially if he's to meet his partner's niece." And she was gone.

Partner?  My uncle was his partner? But how? My uncle is a journalist. What is she talking about? 

So many unanswered questions. She stared at the plain white wall ahead of her. She hated it. Just like her mind. 


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