Chapter 10

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"Mr  Clarstiscipe, can I ask you something? Why are you here now after all this time? Why not volunteer before?" Sarah asked accusingly. Stephone Clarsticipe merely smiled. "I just returned to the FBI. I was elsewhere." She growled at him and looked at Mary. Your choice, Mary. do you want him there? Daniel, she is the one leading the expedition, right?" Yes. she is." He responded. "We'll give you a few minutes to think about it." Mary shook her head. " Don't need it. He can come if he wants to. You know the risk don't you?" Stephone nodded. She smiled at Daniel. "So when do we go?" "In a week."

Sarah sighed as she left the room. Stephone smiled and after waiting for a bit exited the room. He turned into a hallway that led to an office. He opened the door and stepped in. He took a look around the room and took out his phone. he quickly dialled an unregistered number. "Yes sir, the girl has agreed. It's all going according to plan. We go in in a week. I'll finish the job, sir.... Thank you, sir." He dropped his hand and stuffed the phone in his pocket. he looked around the room and snarled. Such a small office. Such little space. But it doesn't matter. everything will soon change. Once and for all.  


           A week passed away faster than she had expected it to. A bit of harsh fighting had occurred between her and Stephone but that was only to be expected. She often talked to Paul to calm her worried heart. Daniel just got weirder as days passed. Her new name (according to him) was Little Fiery One. She had barely talked to Mary all week. As days passed, the horrid feeling became more and more frequent but she kept it hidden from the others. If they knew, they would NOT let me go in.  

The daylight that streamed in through the french windows of the FBI hallway lit up the whole room. Unfortunately even that failed to lift the tension that surrounded them as she and Amelia walked into the Main Hall. As they entered Sarah looked upwards at the roof. Engraved on it was one of the most beautiful murals she had ever laid her eyes on. A picture of the Angel Michael defeating the Fallen Angel Lucifer.  She struggled to read what had been written on in a circle around the fabulous painting which breathed the power of the right. 

"Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him."   - Revelation 12:7-9

"Huh. Why is there a mythical painting and lines of the Bible on the roof of the FBI HQ?" She asked Amelia. Throughout the whole week, she had tried to read Amelia's feelings and thoughts about her going into the Cachtice Castle. Unfortunately, she had failed miserably. The woman was unreadable. "It's a symbol, truth over lies, Justice over Injustice. Good over Evil. Right over Wrong. It's a message to all those who dare defy us." Amelia answered enthusiastically. She truly seemed in love with the FBI. Poor dudes who defy, she thought. Still, she was happy Amelia had found a good place for herself. "That's exactly why no one does, Amy." A voice sang creepily from her right. She spun around as quick as she could and was met with Daniel. "How are you, Little Fiery One?" "Why do you even call me that?" She demanded. He laughed. "I just want to." She realised that Daniel looked even more tired than before. The dark circles under eyes were much larger than before. It was like he aged a hundred years in a week. as much as she didn't like him, she felt worried. "You ok?" "Huh?Oh yeah. Just a few all-nighters, you know. Nothing to be worried about." " I am NOT worried." He laughed and walked over to a guard. She stopped walking and turned to Amelia. "How many nights does he overwork?" She pondered for a while and answered.  " Five-six nights a week. It was less earlier but now with Charlie gone.....They were working on something confidential together before he went in. It seems like Daniel is continuing it." She stared at the floor. Mary and Stephone were already at the castle.Daniel came over to the pair and smiled. 

                                    "The van is waiting outside."  


"Sarah, wake up. We've reached The Cachtice Castle."Sarah yawned as she stretched. She got up. A whole day to reach the Cachtice Castle. She yawned and followed Amelia out of the van. As soon ads she was outside was met with a strong breeze. "Woah! Definitely awake." She yelled. She looked up and saw it. The building she saw was perched on a hill. It was a Gothic style building covering a large amount of area. It had been proclaimed as a natural reserve, she recalled. The building was surrounded by a rare variety of plants and though the building was now in ruins, it wasn't very hard to tell that it probably had been one of the biggest and most intimidating buildings of its age. It still imposed a great deal of authority on the valley. She looked at it in awe.

  In front of her eyes stood the cause of their troubles, the very famous

                                                            Cachtice Castle.

                                                            Cachtice Castle

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