Chapter 9

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"The mission director of the FBI? You defy expectations." Sarah cocked her head to the side and began scrutinising him. "You are way too young. The mission director should be at least forty-something." He faked a very hurt look before laughing. "I am too young to be on this post. I am only twenty-one. Let's continue the rest of the conversation in my office, shall we? "


"Wow! Your office is big." Mary exclaimed as she ran from one end of the room to the other taking everything in. The office was bigger than expected. It had a beautiful glass chandelier hanging from the roof. Light flooded in through the open window in front of which Daniel now stood. Mary stopped and turned to Daniel. "Mr Amelia's boss, Amelia said your partner was my uncle. Is that true? If it was you, did you tell him about the disappearances at the Cachtice Castle?" Daniel stared at her dead in the eye. "So you know he was an agent, Huh? Yes, it was me. I told him about it and dragged him into this. Are you angry?" He looked at her with not a bit of remorse in his eyes. Sarah balled up her fists. "You already knew everything we do so why did you allow us to come here. Not to tell us about how her uncle lied to her for half her life. You're not so nice. You could have just informed her over the phone. What is your motive?" Daniel looked at her in surprise. "So you are not the idiot I thought you were." Sarah waved her hand behind her. "You have at least a dozen other people waiting for a chance to impress their superiors by successfully completing this mission. So why in the world do you need us?" 

Daniel sighed. "If it were that easy, we wouldn't need you. Charlie was a high-level agent. An equal to me. if he couldn't do it to the FBI no one can. I couldn't let his death go in vain, I had to reveal what he set out to do. You understand, don't you? He was my only friend." Sarah felt her herself fill with sympathy for him. Suddenly a realisation dawned on her. "So you............" Daniel turned away from her accusing eyes. "You have to understand. I had no other option. Mary is family. Only family will risk their lives for their family. others won't." He turned away towards the window. Sarah turned to Mary. "He is trying to kill you. Don't let yourself be fooled." Sure." She replied as she turned towards Daniel."I'm going to take a walk." Without waiting for a response she turned and left the room. 


 Sarah walked briskly out of the building and smiled as she entered the garden.If there is one thing good about this place it's their garden. Sarah walked over to the fountain and sat down. She began moving her fingers over the water. She was lost in her own world and didn't notice it when a silver haired boy sat down next to her. "Um... Hi. What's your name? Haven't seen you around before. I'm Paul.  Nice to meet you." He smiled a clumsy smile and stretched out his hand.  she smiled as she took it. "Can I not tell you, please? I feel like something might happen if I do." He looked a bit confused but obliged. "Ok." She didn't know how much time had passed laughing and talking with Paul. she was surprised when she heard he wasn't an agent.  "Don't look so surprised. My brother, Castor, is the agent. I came to visit. That's all. I'm not one now and I won't be one in the future. Too much hassle. If I die in the field who will be there for my mother when she needs her son?"She stared at her shoes. "Paul, my mother, I promised her something. To come back alive. I promised a friend's mother I would keep her safe. I feel I will have to break my promise to both." She placed her head in her arms. "you 'll live no matter what the problem is. I can tell. Your friend, if she is going to throw herself in trouble, then.... You can't change people. you can only help them. Go with her.  You are strong. You will live." With that, he got up and left.  I guess so.    


Amelia smiled as she walked away. Paul always does his magic. she returned to her office and picked up a few reports. she flipped it open. Mr Holland. Ethnicity, Slovakian. Was abroad until a few months back when he returned to his ancestral land- Slovakia. She closed it and returned to Daniel's office. She closed her eyes and recalled the image of a year ago. She had been standing in this very position about to deliver a few reports when she had heard a scream from the adjacent room. Shaking away her scruples, she had opened the door only to be met with a scene so miserable she couldn't get it out of her memory even a year later. 

She knocked on the door and went in. 

"The reports, Daniel."

"Leave them on the table, Amelia."

"Yes, sir"

"Amelia, what would you say if I told you that something horrible happened because of me?"

"I would forgive you. Even if nobody else did."

"Why is that?"

She blushed causing Daniel to laugh. "Let's leave it at that. Though it does seem like Mary and Sarah will have company going in." He held up an envelope with a name written on it. The name caused her eyes to widen. "Why now?" Daniel shook his head. "I don't know but we will have to be careful. I don't trust him."


"I will go in even if I die.' Mary stated with an air of confidence around her. She looked so silly Sarah couldn't help but laugh. " I will go with her. " She said as soon as she had regained her composure. " Paul taught me that it was my duty to protect her." Mary seemed confused but Amelia and Daniel merely smiled. 

"To the two of you, you don't have to be worried. You won't be alone." Mary and Sarah looked confused. "When you both went for your walks, we received a letter. It said that someone wanted to join you."

As if on cue, The door opened to reveal a muscular man who came in carrying a cup of tea. He walked over to Daniel. "For you, sir."  He then turned towards the others and gave a slight bow. " My name is Stephone  Clarstiscipe. Nice to make your acquaintance. I will be accompanying you on your journey into the Cachtice Castle.' 

Mary and Sarah looked at each other and only one thought appeared in their minds.

                 Dear Lord, what have we gotten ourselves into?

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