Chapter 5

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'Are you alright? You sure you didn't forget something? Water? Phone?"

"I'm fine! I've got everything I need. Please don't worry so much, Mum! I'm not going away forever. Besides the Marrows are coming too, so don't worry." Sarah caught hold of her mother's  shivering hands and looked at her in the eyes. "I'll be fine. I promise." Her mother didn't look very sure. But when she saw her daughter determined and steady gaze, she knew she didn't have to worry. For now, anyway.

"Sarah!!!!!! Come on. The baggage check- in has already begun." A chirpy voice sounded across the airport hall. A little red- head rushed down the hall over to the check- in counter. "Coming, coming." She yelled back and started down the hall. 

Someone grabbed her hand. "Sarah. You don't have to do this." She turned around and saw Mrs. Marrows. The forty two year old woman was staring down at the floor. "If something happens to you too, I won't be able to forgive myself. First, Charlie and then you.... You are Mary's only friend. Neither she nor I would be able to stand it were you to..... " Her voice choked.

Sarah placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Its alright. I'm going to do this, not just for her but because I want to find him too. So I'm going in of my own will. So don't worry." "If that's what you want. But take care. For your mother's sake" She said as she pointed towards her mother who was clinging onto her father for support. Tears were streaming down her eyes. 

"She doesn't want to lose you, either. Don't lie to her, Sarah. At least make the lies you told her the truth."

"I didn't lie to her. I'm coming back. No matter what."    

She smiled and walked over to Mary.


"Ugh. How did my uncle manage this horrible plane ride? Oh god, I feel horrible again." "You should have told someone you have airsickness." Sarah said to her friend who was now as green as a gooseberry. 

"Come on girls. We've found our cab. Lets go." Mr Marrows yelled at them as he got into a white cab. The two girls made their way over and into the cab. 

"Its gonna be a long ride so you girls may want to get some sleep." Mrs
Marrows looked at the two girls next to her. They don't need to be told twice, huh?  she wondered looking at the girls who were already fast asleep.


"Wake up, Sarah. Mrs Cartlite is going to arrive soon." Sarah turned around and put a pillow over her head." Wake up, Sarah! I am not my mum. I have a very low patience." "Okay. Okay." Sarah groaned as she rubbed her eyes. 

"What time is it?"        

"Oh, its 10'o clock, you sleepy head."

"What happened yesterday?" She asked sleepily."I can't remember." Mary walked over to the counter and brought her some tea. "I made it. Drink. Well, yesterday we arrived in Slovakia, reached our hotel,  got our rooms, and were about to discuss the plans when you decided it was time to sleep. So yeah, that's what happened." "Where are your parents?" "They are in the other room. They let us share this one so that we could discuss our plans." Sarah nodded still too lazy to get up. "You mentioned a 'Miss Cartlite'. Who is she?" Mary looked out of the bed room window and replied. "An agent who will run us through our schedule and then take us to the FBI HQ. Also a prized agent of the FBI. One of their best, actually. You may want to get ready by the time she comes. I think you might know her. He mentioned you would."

"Who mentioned that?"

"The guy I told you about. The man my uncle knew. The guy who allowed us to take part in the search."

"That weirdo. Yeah, I remember him. So when does this Miss Cartlite arrive?"

Mary turned towards her and smiled mischievously. 

"In fifteen minutes. So no time to waste. Only time to move. Get ready, Sarah. See ya." With that she did a little turn and elegantly exited the room.

" Sometimes I just hate that girl." She growled and got up from her bed. She stared out of the bed room window at a bird chirping happily. She smiled to herself. 

What a carefree and a beautiful life. 

"Don't worry, Mom. That promise I made to you is one I intend to keep."              


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