Chapter 22

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Hello!!!! Thank you all so much!! We reached 723 reads and 206 votes!!!! Yay!!! Thank you!!! This chapter is dedicated to @Warrior_Princess123 for all her support and help. Thank you so much!!! :)

Stephone stared at the trio standing at the entrance. Why the heck are they here?! Laura's hand was still positioned right over his heart. Her eyes were locked on his. Unmoving. Cold as ice.

Sarah took a few steps forward. "Laura, Stop! Don't kill him."

Sarah's eyes lingered on Laura's hand for a few minutes before looking at his face. Why is she trying to stop Laura from killing me? Is she that big an idiot that she didn't realise? If Laura doesn't kill me I will kill Mary!

"Why?" Her cold and merciless voice broke through his thoughts sending shivers up and down his spine.

Sarah sighed. She seemed prepared for this question. "Because you are not a killer."

Laura laughed an icy laugh. "I killed Mary's uncle. So what makes you think I won't kill him?" She asked waving her other hand about. "I killed him, didn't I Mary? You saw him, right? Then you should know if I am capable of murder."

Mary's eyes hardened. "Yes, I saw him. And yes, I know you are. And yes, he was dead." Laura smiled viciously. Her eyes were now on Sarah. "You heard the girl! So now do you still believe I can't kill?" Sarah sighed. "Laura.... I know you can kill. But I also know you are not a killer. I know what happened all those many years ago. I saw everything."

Laura's eyes remained cold. She spoke without compassion, without life, just plain coldness-the voice of someone who was crazy, without hope. "I am a monster. I am a killer. That is what they thought then and now and they aren't wrong."

Sarah bit her lip. "They are. You were framed."

"I will get my revenge."

"He didn't frame you. Mr Holland's ancestor did. Don't take out your anger on him."

Laura refocused her eyes back on him. Her hand tightened. Fear rushed back into his head.

"Use him to your benefit. There is no need to kill him."

Laura's hand was still over him but her attention had left him. It now trailed on Sarah's every word. "I can't trust him." "You don't have to."

His anger was quickly replaced by anger. He didn't his fate to be defined by them. He clenched his teeth together. "Don't even think about it. I won't help you. I'd rather die than betray Master. Angering Master is a very bad idea and betrayal makes him very angry." He spat at her.

"Sh-u-t up. "

Her hand moved. "About time." He growled. "What did I tell you, oh my dear lovely Stephone about manners?" She whispered slowly and softly but her voice was life a sharp knife. Her hand trailed up to his neck and stopped. Above his artery. "Seems like you never learn. You are a very bad student. And what do you to bad students? You punish them!" she laughed innocently.

Instantaneously fear engulfed him.

"Can she actually kill him?" came a question from Mary who stood behind Sarah. Amelia shrugged. "She is a ghost." "Oh. Poor him."

Laura moved her hand again. It trailed over to his shoulder. The hurt one. A gasp escaped his lips as it plunged down. Blood splattered on the wall. On the floor. Everywhere. The pain was numbing. black spots began appearing on the sides of his vision. He screamed as it plunged back out. Blood trickled down her fingertips. It fell over his cheek where she hand now was. His mind was on fire. He couldn't even move his shoulder any more.

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