Chapter 26

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She can't be gone, can she? Why? Why did she have to have to do it? It can't be.... No! No tears came. Her mind couldn't accept it. She wanted to cry but she couldn't.

Mary was saying something. She couldn't understand. Her words sounded like an illegible jumble of words. Daniel..? Is he here? Why?

Sarah's eyes were fixed on the thing that had once been her sister. Her beloved sister. Daniel sat beside her unmoving. His eyes on her as though hoping she would just wake up, say it had all been a mere nap or a dream. A lost hope.

Daniel stroked Amelia's hair. His hand was soon drenched in blood. As was her hair. His eyes were empty. As were hers. Sarah couldn't look at her. Her sister lay on the floor, the wound on her leg reopened, a large gash on her stomach. Her once lively yellow eyes were pale. Her bloody hand lay at her side.

"Sarah!" She forced her eyes away. A familiar voice beckoned her to it. in a second, she was felt Paul's arms wrap around her in a tight hug. She clung onto him. She needed something right now.... something to lean on, to provide her with the stranger known as hope.

Paul stroked her hair. "You're okay. It's alright... to cry." So he knew. Somehow she felt relieved. Something about the familiarity beckoned tears.

"Why? Why? It's.. fault.. isn't it? She.. jumped in the way.. because of me.." She choked out in the between of her hiccups. Her voice quivered. She fell to the floor. Crying. Tears wet her cheeks.

"I shouldn't cry... I should be.. brave... for him... for Daniel..." She said as she wiped away her tears with the back of her sleeve. She turned to look at him.

Daniel tore his eyes away from Amelia and finally looked at her. Out of his mouth came the words she had dreaded the most. "Who did it? Who shot her? Who shot Amelia?"

It would have been better had he shouted. It would have been better had he cried. Even if only a little. It would have been better had his eyes showed even the slightest sign of sorrow or loss. His eyes were empty. Dead. Lifeless. His voice was calm. Controlled even. He sounded...patient? Like a teacher to a shy student.

Mary stood a few feet away. She looked as pale as a sheet. Slowly, she shook her head.

Was she saying something? Sarah could just make out what she was mouthing to her. No? But... Why?

Sarah turned away from Mary. Should she tell him? Why not? But Mary.....

She could feel Daniel's gaze on her. Fixed. Unmoving. It was as though his gaze could burn a hole in her head.

She shook her head to clear it from all sad depressing thoughts. She had to tell him. No matter what Mary said. He deserved it. He had loved her, just as Sarah had.

Her eyes locked with Daniel's. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came. She was still overwhelmed by Amelia's death.

Paul patted her head and smiled. Keep courage, his silent advice. She decided to take it.

Sarah's eyes wandered over to Stephone who stood aside. He seemed to be edging towards the door. He would reach soon.

She felt a sudden hatred towards that monster. He shouldn't get away with killing her! Daniel's eyes followed her own towards Stephone. No words need to be said. He saw. He understood. He now knows. The name of the man who killed his wife.

It wasn't Daniel who moved to stop Stephone. He remained beside Amelia. It was Laura. The girl took a few steps forward and came in the way of Stephone. But not enough to block him. She put her foot out as soon as he reached her causing him to trip. She then proceeded to put her foot under him and kick him around.

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