Chapter 6

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Knock, Knock.

"Coming!" Sarah yelled as she ran across the length of the room towards the door. As she ran, she took a quick peek at her watch. 10:15. So precise. Is everyone in the FBI this precise? She tightened her ponytail and reached for the door handle. Her hand stopped. Her eyes became dilated. It was like someone had thrown a curtain over her and plunged her in a deep and dark chasm from which there was no escape. Her muscles tightened. A feeling of overflowing sorrow and misery engulfed her. It was darkness all around.She gasped. She couldn't breathe. She felt like she was about to drown.

It stopped just as suddenly as it started. Her breaths were short and hard. "Hello? Hello?" Sarah reached for the handle as she struggled to regain her breath.

Hello. My name is Amelia Cartlite. Secretary to the FBI's mission director. You must be Mary. It is a pleasure to meet you. And to see you after so long, Sarah." The blonde haired yellow-eyed woman gave them a sweet smile as she extended her hand to Mary who had magically materialised behind her. Mary smiled back and took her hand. "Let's talk inside, shall we?" she asked.


"You know why I am here, right? So let's not beat around the bush and get straight to it." Miss Cartlite stirred the cup of tea that Mary had given her and took a small sip. Sarah shifted a bit uncomfortably. "Before that, could you please answer a small question of mine? The man who Mary talked to, he said I should know you. But I think my memory might need a bit of jogging. I can't seem to remember to you."

Miss Cartlite set her cup down on the table and folded her arms. "Are you sure you don't remember me or is it that I look very different wearing a business suit when all my life I wore plain casual? I haven't changed very much in three years, I hope." She smiled gently at Sarah as the realisation dawned on her. She had only one word to say.


"I guess three years isn't too long." Miss. Cartlite smiled as she opened her arms wide open to receive the eighteen-year-old who flew into her arms, tears flowing down her eyes.

No more words were exchanged.

None were needed.

She was happy.

She was safe.

In the arms of her who loved her most.

She was safe in the arms of her dear, loving,


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